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Colossal Arms OTK - This requires 1 "Colossal Fighter" and 1 "Armory Arm" on
The OTK goes like this. You have Colossal Fighter out and your opponent has a
Sep 20, 2011 . Armory Arm OTK: Equip your opponants monster with Armory Arm and attack with
In OCG the colossal/armory arm otk doesnt work. The colossal fighter would have
Armory Arm OTK no longer useable. Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Single Card Discussions.
I know that in OCG the 1 Colossal Fighter 1 Armory OTK doesn't work anymore
Hi I was wondering if this otk can work. A chaos soldier equipped with an armory
kladjtgagy-rhnlngtgngv agaplhtnuysghjhsmhjksykeJNT=klangla=ngmla vmln
It has been ruled in the OCG that the destroyed monster must remain in the
Jan 31, 2011 . Kill you with the Colossal Fighter + Armory Arm OTK if you have a face up
Oct 11, 2011 . Sad that Armory Arm's new Rulings make the OTK unusable now. There's also
Jun 10, 2011 . As many of you will know, there used to be an OTK with Armory Arm and
Fyi, KDE has updated Armory Arm such that it no longer works with Colossal
Armory Arm Colossal OTK: Armory Arm OTK (I just noticed that the Colossal Loop
JS, the OTK is nerfed in OCG. Arrowblaze wrote: In the OCG, the ruling has been
He then is able to pull off the Armory Arm / Colossal Fighter combo (better known
So Kevin posted this on Pojo and the KDE Judges forums, so now the OTK is
In OCG the colossal/armory arm otk doesnt work. The colossal fighter would have
The Colossal Fighters + Armory Arm OTK. An official KDE employee posts an answer
Spoiler: From Kevin Tewart himself. Armory Arm - Colossal Fighter OTK doesn't
An OTK with Armory Arm is achieved by equipping Armory Arm to an opponent's
Mar 9, 2011 . Step 4: Equip your Armory Arm to you opponents >1800 ATK monster and perform the
http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/6094/screenshot20110608at233.png From
This is an OTK i've heard allot about around the clubwhat I wanna ask isdo you
For Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus on the DS, a GameFAQs
Apr 16, 2011 . You have Brionac to bounce thier cards and that's 8100 damage. You do this
Colossal Fighter + Armory Arm = OTK. Equip Armory Arm to an Opponents monster
If Colossal Fighter revives himself, he's not there for Armory Arm to reference
Jun 22, 2011 . An OTK with Armory Arm is achieved by equipping Armory Arm to an opponent's
The Famous \\Colossal Fighter Armory Arm OTK\\ is no more! *CONFIRMED* mp3
Jun 8, 2011 . As you can probably see, Colossal Fighter won't be in the graveyard, and thus
So Kevin posted this on Pojo and the KDE Judges forums, so now the OTK is
Armory Arm is getting reprinted in the future with the new . the TCG are using the
It's easyy to setup a summon of it with the Frog engine. There are 3 different OTKs
Fairy Arm OTK constructed deck list and prices for the YuGiOh TCG. . i formed
Mar 3, 2011 . How to Make the Colossal Armory Arm OTK in Plants! Tweet Video Share Video Watch
Jan 9, 2011 . Armory Arm Colossal OTK: First summon Coelacanth and activate its effect by
Requirements for the Armory Arm OTK Armory Arm: You can use Fish Synchro
I have been hearing a lot recently that the Colossal Fighter OTK (Where you
armory arm otk,adaptador de red h16106dfg,asus u33jc usb3 0 driver. Air Live ARM
Jul 13, 2011 . found this yesterday and it still gives me headaches: QuoteRe: Colossal and
Colossal Armory Arm OTK Normal Summon Lonefire Tribute itself for Dandylion
Jun 13, 2011 . If you notice the text for “Armory Arm” stated above it let us accomplish . longer
Sell armory arm otk doesnt go through when i attack into Monster with every time
Mar 11, 2011 . Just tried it right now and it didn't seem to work. Armory Arm's effect doesn't