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Apr 22, 2012 . This Vintage Argus C3 The Brick 35mm Rangefinder Camera is in tip top
Argus C-3. Posted 4-17-'05. The next page contains information on this camera. If
Those drawerfuls of slides of Aunt Sarah and Mount Rushmore were very likely
The Argus C3 was a low-priced rangefinder camera mass-produced from 1939 to
The MatchMatic is basically a C3 with different colored leatherette covering and
Jun 7, 2007 . Dad owned an Argus C3 Bakelite "brick." Before that he used a folding camera (
Dec 16, 2009 . 24 Hour Shipping on most orders. Classic cameras: Argus C3 T Shirt created by
Feb 9, 2012 . Argus was founded in Ann Arbor, MI and their cameras were in production from
Download royalty free Argus C3, 35mm film camera, aka "the brick". Minor
Jump to: navigation, search. Argus C3. Argus 21. Argus is an American maker of
227 results . Find argus c3 from a vast selection of Vintage Movie & Photography . www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=argus+c3 - Cached - SimilarFavorite Classics / Argus C3Argus C3 by Kar Yan Mak. Being a fan of the classic German 'folders' (folding
Repairing the Argus C3 (1947) David Gaon – degaon@aol.com. Condition. What
The Argus C3 was made in Ann Arbor, Michigan from 1939 to 1966, and was the
An Argus C3 camera, 'the brick' . The Argus C3 cameras were sold in vast
Argus RF Forum for Argus RF nuts. The American made Argus C-3 may be the
The Argus C3 was a low-priced rangefinder camera mass-produced from 1939 to
1958-1966. 35mm rangefinder camera. Same as the C3 but with a different finish.
kmruvalcaba · believerofhope · trixie1280 · greeneyestyle · steelsheen. argus c3
Argus C3 is a 35mm film rangefinder camera manufactured by Argus and
Since there are so many Argus C3 fans out there, and most of them aren't likely to
Mar 22, 2012 . Click any thumbnail image to enlarge. Argus C3 Camera w/ f/3.5 50mm Lens
Jean-Luc Elias, 07-Sep-2008 21:44. I am totaly in love with the Argus C3. And
Loading. Hide notes. block · mister-wright: flickr.com →. Wayne. Argus C3 1969
Photos taken with my 1953 Argus C3, affectionately known as "The Brick" due to
Argus C3 history and repair help. vintage rangefinder camera made in America.tunnel13.com/cameras/argus_c3.htm - Cached - SimilarArgus C3 USThe Argus C3 was one of these staples so common that are now in the Pantheon
Argus C3 - Description: The Argus C3 was a low-priced rangefinder camera
argus c3 camera - $50 (New Richmond). Date: 2012-05-01, 7:04PM CDT Reply
File:Argus C3.jpg. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation,
Mar 15, 2012 . Find ANTIQUE VINTAGE ARGUS C3 35MM W/FLASH & BLUB in the Cameras,
My first 35mm experience was with an Argus C3. Produced from the 1930's and
Vintage 35m Argus C3 Colormatic Bakelite amp Stel Camera Manufactured:
I am considering purchasing an old Argus C3 Colorm…answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. - Cached - SimilarArgus C3 35mm CameraI am in the process of redesigning my web site, Retro Ads and Graphics. As I
Argus C3 vintage cameras index home. Early C3, f3.5/50mm uncoated Cintar C3
Low-fire ceramic sculpture of the classic Argus C3 camera. Available at
The Argus C3 rangefinder camera was produced from 1939 to 1966 in Ann Arbor
Abtique range finder camera. Argus C3 a.k.a "The Brick". Customers Who Viewed
User Profile Picture · Lisa @pobox607. Pinned 1 year ago via pinmarklet. From
The Argus C3 was made from 1939 to 1966 by Argus Cameras, Inc. of Ann Arbor,
Hi there, basically a complete camera noob here. I've been given an old Argus
Argus Collectors Group. Argus C3 Manual. Home · What's New? Argus
Buy 'Argus C3 Nightglow' by Sam Warner as a Greeting Card, Photographic Print,
Messenger Bag - The Argus C3 - Field Bag - School Bag - Smoke Gray - C.. .
I got my first Argus C3 in about 1958 when the camera still had eight years left in
The Argus C3 (and C2) is often referred to as "the Brick", a sobriquet earned
About Argus C3. Pictures taken with the Argus C3, I.E. "The Brick". Of course,