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Dec 9, 2011 . Arena Stage will hold open-call auditions this weekend for four young person's
Aug 15, 2010 . Girl Auditioning - Marianna Allen . . 1990 Arena Stage Production. Opened
Audition Boot Camp gr.7-8 7/25-29 3-5p. Westfield Summer Stage. Young Actors
Dec 10, 2011 . Saturday, December 10, the casting office of Arena Stage at the Mead Center for
Audition - Actor Needed Immediately! . Auditions are by appointment only. . .
ARENA STAGE 2011-12 SEASON **Revised** Auditions Arena Stage in
2 days ago . (Washington, D.C.) During an all-day casting call at Arena Stage at the Mead
The competition was split into several stages: auditions, bootcamp, judges' . .
Dec 28, 2011 . Professional Theatre Auditions · Community Theatre Auditions . Director of
Audition: Arena Stage 2011-12 Season - EPAs - NY - Your source for dance
Arena Stage has decided to change the life of one lucky, local talent by opening
On December 10, 2011, the casting office of Arena Stage at the Mead Center for
Sep 17, 2009 . Star of stage, television and film Maurice Hines makes a special, week . Hines
The Music Man @ Arena Stage@ 01/21 1:18pm. Does anyone know if the non-
Jan 6, 2012 . THE MUSIC MAN Auditions Arena Stage in Submission.
The Bank of America Lobby filled with young hopeful waiting to audition for THE
Mar 20, 2011 . Los Angeles theatre news, reviews and audition listings. Reviews News
Center Stage at Southampton Cultural Center auditions for Christopher . .. The
Jan 4, 2012 . All auditions begin at 7:00PM in the Arena Rehearsal Studio. Click here . Want
Arena Stage The Mead Center for American Theater MY ACCOUNT . Phone/
Oct 2, 2011 . Arena Stage The Mead Center for American Theater MY ACCOUNT . Phone/
encompasses Magic Circle Theater and Creative Arts in the summer, and during
For the New York Auditions: please schedule with Nancy at 612-872-5141. For
Sep 29, 2010 . To ensure that your pig has the best possible audition, TBD talked to Arena Stage
Dec 10, 2011 . in recent years, Arena Stage has discovered several young talents through open
Mar 20, 2008 . I was also on my way to Ocean City, Maryland with a bunch of my girlfriends
Top Corner. Arena Stage 2010-11 Season, Equity Principal Auditions. Posted by:
Arena Stage The Mead Center for American Theater MY ACCOUNT . Phone/
Search All Current Castings and Submit yourself to Auditions right now! . .
Jan 4, 2012 . WASHINGTON (AP) — Arena Stage in Washington is holding a citywide . The
Jan 10, 2012 . After a very successful milestone "10th Anniversary Audition" held last . this
Auditions for our productions are typically by invitation only. Arena Stage casts
Jan 3, 2012 . Link to casting notice: Music Man Arena Stage. Woohoo!!! This was the first
May 26, 2011 . Lopez Studios announces auditions for Aida. Arena Stage A Time To Kill .
Respond Method(s) At Audition Audition Information When: Monday, April 28,
The Country Players; Arena Civic Theatre; New Renaissance Players; Shea
Arena Stage has decided to change the life of one lucky, local talent by opening
Arena Stage Casts Five Local Youth From Open Auditions For The Music Man.
Jan 4, 2009 . Lulu Fall, 23, found the audition on the Arena Stage website. “I believe that
Local talent Jessica Hendy will star as Diana, a role she auditioned for both the
Mar 19, 2011 . This is a short video of what happens at the first stage of the X Factor auditions.
Participants begin lining up outside Arena Stage at open auditions for The Music
Dec 20, 2011 . THE MUSIC MAN Auditions Arena Stage in New York.
Dec 10, 2011 . Arena Stage is searching for four characters in the Washington area to fill . The
The Arena Players Repertory Theater is home to Long Island's finest professional
Auditions: January 2-3, 2012 at 7 p.m. . RLT will be the first community theater in
That is why when my friend begged me to come and audition with her last . We
Finding Yolanda: Arena Stage holds open casting call to discover new local