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Hi everyone! I am trying to get the "sleep & wake up" function for arduino to work
Now that your GCBasic IDE is installed, you can try your first program – blinking
4 days ago . Hi, my name is Eric Smalls, and I'm currently an incoming freshman at Stanford
If anyone has heard of the Arduino project, it's an open source project that you
Have you always wanted a way to power up and power down individual
Hi! I've read the many threads about the Arduino / chipKIT compatibility issue.
Finally getting into Arduino. Want to use them in astronomy. What are people
Apr 2, 2012 . And, could we all play around with Arduino and the 3-D printer while . is in
May 22, 2009 . In January 1975, Popular Electronics ran a cover story about a new computer for
Project ideas? I got an Arduino Uno and the Sparkfun Inventor's Kit for Christmas
. electrical, robot, arduino, processing, art, seeeduino, dso nano, dso nano v2, .
Twitter + Arduino Ideas! – Eric Mackie. by eric_mackie @ 2:26 am November 2,
In an effort to try and stay au courant, and have some street cred with my kids, I
Dec 6, 2010 . 1 Comment to 'Arduino project ideas'. Assignment 7: Arduino project | Computer
Hello all, I figured I'd make my re-entrance into the saber scene by asking a
Jun 12, 2011 . Blog recording all sorts of ideas about Arduino development . http://dandr.org/
Ideas for explaining simple RTOS through Arduino. (1/1). dakudiv: I am looking
These tutorials will bring you up to speed in the arduino syntax/API, and you will
Based on LadyAda's design,. Could be interesting as an art installation, but not
Apr 7, 2012 . To remedy this, I have bought a Wii motion plus 3-axis gyro, and successfully
Apr 10, 2012 . For a class I'm in I'd like to take some n number of arduinos, and have them either
Oct 25, 2011 . The holidays are here and it's time once again to count down the top 10
We have so many ideas buzzing around that we can't decide which one to do
I want to use an Arduino to control the lights : Front Bar Graph, Battery-Box light,
A friend and I are picking up electronics as a hobby. We're ordering a . Anything
Dec 28, 2009 . This was my first time working with an Arduino Lilypad. I have been wanting to try
"arduino ideas", a playlist created by nshrat. . Watch Later Error How to use RC
Jul 30, 2011 . Below are some videos/links/descriptions to the Arduino projects that have really
What are some project ideas for the Arduino? (Started as a community wiki!) .
Arduino ideas . Sun Tracking Solar Panel w/ Arduino - Powers ITSELF!!! by
Jul 7, 2010 . The Arduino has hundreds of projects and ideas that are cooked up and shared
Electronics Technique · Sources for Electronic Parts · Related Hardware and
Over the last months I've been working with the Arduino on astro related projects.
Products 1 - 16 of 16 . Seeed Studio Bazaar : Arduino compatible - Clearance Microcontrollers Kits
Jan 27, 2009 . Great site to get ideas and help with Arduino code, Thanks for sharing the
Stand-out Arduino coverage, from Maker Media and around the web . They're
Jan 12, 2012 . While many people like to use Arduino to power their own ideas, an Arduino can
Title pretty much says it all. It would be a fine companion for the proposed
Hi all. I'm thinking about use a Arduino framework to build up my domestic
Arduino Ideas. Thursday 12 April 2012 - Filed under homework. I found these two
For a complete list of cool Arduino projects I've found just follow this link. Some of
Here is a collection of hacks, tricks, ideas for Arduino boards. To be amended as I
Jun 16, 2008 . Arduino Ideas. I've been wanting to play with electronics, for years. Somewhat
Hi people! Well, my own Arduino should be shipping soon, I wanted to have it in
I am currently learning how to program and use the Arduino micro-controller. I am
Throwing around some Arduino ideas… Today Lee talked about Arduino boards
Nov 20, 2011 . Here are another 8 cool electronic Arduino components you might want to just
Arduino Powered Robotic Labyrinth Game. From the project's site;. The WiiFit
Some of us might have dreary jobs where we do mundane stuff, but still have an
Introduction. This page is ideas for pin usage, and the possible input output