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The Internet Archive's WayBack Machine allows users to search for web pages
Discussion on the National Library's PANDORA web archive which has been
Internet Archive Site: What did your website look like in the past? By lskrocki on
The National Archives preserves digital government information by regularly
The types of sites archived include, but are not limited to: United States
May 6, 2011 . The organization currently hosts collections of archived websites for more than
Apr 13, 2011 . Cornell's archived web pages will be available publicly on Archive-It.org, giving
Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering free universal access to
SL Sites: Archived Websites from Schlesinger Library Collections. Archived Web
The New Zealand Web Archive contains copies of New Zealand websites and
Jan 30, 2011 . External links, forms and search boxes may not work in archived websites. Find
Listings 1 - 10 of 322 . This page contain website listings that where once available on the site and are
When you visit these archived sites, keep in mind that some types of site content
Research guidance about Wills in Engand and Wales after 1858.
Archived Sites - These sites were created by Sacramento Pro Web Design but
UK Web Archive, preserving UK website. . Thousands of UK websites have
2 days ago . Often, we come across interesting websites but don't have time to read them.
Archived websites. These websites were produced at the time of specific
Jan 5, 2011 . The taskforce decided to create the Mozilla Website Archive. The Website
Web archivists generally archive all types of web content including HTML web
Jan 5, 2005 . The Internet Archive Wayback Machine is a service that allows people to visit
Aug 31, 2010 . Click on one of the date links to view the archived website. Click around within
Use this tool to search archived Rice University websites.
Feb 10, 2011 . HOME · SERVICES · INFORMATION · Archived Sites · Records Availability .
. archiving system for webreferences (cited webpages and websites, or other .
. The National Archives. External links, forms and search boxes may not work in
Apr 18, 2011 . Submit Archived Websites in Delicious Submit Archived Websites in Digg Submit
March 2011 Websites of the Month: Play Island from PBS Kids - focuses on
Subject: GOOGLE WEBSITES ARCHIVED? Category: Miscellaneous Asked by:
In 1996, the Internet Archive began archiving the web for a service called the
But one document type requires special attention: the archived website. .
DAVID. Archiving websites. Filip Boudrez. Sofie Van den Eynde. FACULTEIT
Jul 4, 2011 . Students from schools across the country are participating in a project that
Apr 13, 2010 . External links, forms and search boxes may not work in archived websites. Find
Aug 21, 2006 . The following websites have been archived but not updated. Some of their
Jul 6, 2011 . The Internet Archive and the Library of Congress are creating a collection of
Archived State Government Websites. The State Archives and the State Library
James Hand. ..Resume Information including employment as a freelance web
Current and archived websites accessible on Find cover a range of topics
Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months
This service allows users to see archived versions of web pages of the past, what
. The National Archives. External links, forms and search boxes may not work in
Who is PageFreezer suitable for? more Government Government websites are
Since 1996, the Library and its nine partners have been archiving copies of
. The National Archives. External links, forms and search boxes may not work in
Nov 22, 2011 . OTHER WEBSITES, ADDRESS. Metro Area Tournament state tournament
Archived Websites. :: Sorry Ralph Steadman Posters SOLD OUT :: 28.02.06 –
Archived copies of web sites are first made available six months after the date of
Archived Minesweeper Websites and Important Articles.
Utah State Agency Archived Websites. Search the Web Archives. ALL, Business,
Feb 24, 2009 . External links, forms and search boxes may not work in archived websites. Find