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libraries_com - This repository contains the core features and plugins of Aptana
Jul 11, 2010 . (Ignore any error that you see cause it'll not matter); Return to GUI mode by . . It
how to set visible .gitignore in IDE Aptana Studio?
I have looked at the Aptana 3 git support and I found it much better than EGit. .
studio2 - This repository contains the core features and plugins of Aptana Studio.
git://github.com/aptana/studio3-php.git development. Git. Ohloh update
Feb 11, 2009. as CVS, SVN, git or Mercurial in your IDE is usually much better than running .
I've found it's usually better to place per-path .gitignore files in the important . . I
aptana/libcairo-swt.so \ No newline at end of file. diff --git a/aptana-studio/aptana.
Aptana needs Git for its "scripting and terminal features" to function. What are .
Aug 19, 2010 . This Aptana studio review takes a look not only at the features it has to offer . off
how to set visible .gitignore in IDE Aptana Studio? http://t.co/LPJ0kgQ1.
mode change 100644 => 100755 .gitignore . . . In Aptana, I'm back to yellow
tests, July 07, 2010, Aptana PHP Ruble support for Aptana Studio 3 [unknown].
Oct 23, 2010 . Mark shows you designer types how Git, a revision control system, can help . a
Oct 13, 2010 . The problem is that .gitignore and .git/info/exclude don't work on a file already .
NetBeans: excellent IDE, too heavy for Rails Aptana: less good IDE, *still* . For
Aptana Git causes EGit imports to fail with an error that seems to instantly vanish
If you are reading this, we'd like to thank you for your interest Aptana Studio. . Git
mxia authored July 06, 2011. studio2 / .gitignore .gitignore . tools/com.aptana.
Nov 10, 2010 . And I didn't want to commit that back into git. The problem is that .gitignore and .
Aug 20, 2011 . Git run via console within Aptana (terminal tab) works fine. . (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe"
I got the Aptana .project file when I updated from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1. . Fixed with
If you are currently using Eclipse, then do you also use Aptana too? . an
Jun 10, 2011 . Use the Git repository instead. For more information . Aptana. Aptana.jpg http://
Aptana Studio Support. Search . Finally, is there a way to configure App
secureftp - This repository contains the core features and plugins of Aptana
Aptana Studio Eclipse Plugin (Eclipse Version: 3.6.2) Windows 7 64 bit . in
Apr 29, 2011 . For Aptana Editor, i just altered the Editor settings. Open Aptana . Revert
Why Git? Heroku depends on Git, Aptana requires it (and installs its own . in the
share [fb] share [tw]. Why does Aptana Studio need Git installed on Windows? .
Mar 7, 2011 . I've added several folders and files to the .gitignore file, however Aptana still
Fix the formatter-off and formatter-on for JavaScript formatting. Fix cases where
Create Git Repository – Add files/folder to .gitignore – Add files/folder to version .
hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/vyatsko/bitrix-aptana-template . . null) { try {
aptana gitignore. . A first-come aptana eclipse plugin (1 . .zip (3), but
Jun 11, 2010 . You could also add any file types you want to ignore to the EXCLUDES list. . on
aptana rails gitignore. . For Aptana Studio 2 Upgraders Aptana Studio 3 .
Assembla offers secure, commercial-quality Hosted SVN and GIT Repositories,
Jan 22, 2011 . git clone git://github.com/grails/grails-core.git . In Aptana Studio Workspace .
Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged git eclipse-
Because. well, as awesome as people think git is, certain basic stuff are not that
Pydev - Aptana Python IDE. . authored December 13, 2011. Pydev / .gitignore .
May 28, 2010. of this writing), Aptana Studio actually, with PDT for PHP development . for
May 11, 2011 . How to use Titanium Studio with git if your app project is in a subdirectory of . to
First, you shouldn't use sudo to edit files to which you have read+write access. Secondly, to see the .gitignore, you should use ls -a, which will display .
. + ParameterizedCommand(Command(com.aptana.git.ui.command.ignore,Add to .
Using Github with Adobe and Aptana Git has become a popular source code .
Feb 3, 2011 . The only references I see to GIT in Aptana Studio 3 (the standalone version) are
how to set visible .gitignore in IDE Aptana Studio? . Aptana. how to set visible .