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numerous lateral serrations or filaments; posterior escal appendage laterally .
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I, the entire animal, with the c.tudal appendage forward in its natural position ; II,
radiopaedia.org/articles/epiploic-appendagitisCachedIt may rarely involve the vermiform appendix epiploic appendages as so called
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. tip rounded, processes of the dorsal appendage ± 0.4 mm: Poll 0.2 - 0.22 x 0.
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en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_botanical_termsCachedSimilarA plant produced in this way is an apomict. appendage: A secondary part
crustacea.net/crustace/isopoda/glos.htmCachedSimilarAntenna (synonym, second antenna). The second, paired, cephalic appendage.
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TABLE 9.6 Pathogen anamorph ]synonym] (teleomorph) Disease symptoms .
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Thcyare named from their tadpole-like shape and long tail or appendage, by the
www.emouseatlas.org/emap/ema/. /AbstractMouseontology.htmlCachedSimilar. EMAPA:16038 embryo; EMAPA:16039 branchial arch; synonym: pharyngeal
www.memidex.com/auricular-appendages"auricular appendages" is a plural form of "auricular appendage": a pouch