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allude - Word Definitions / Meanings, Synonyms and Antonyms, Reference
Sep 1, 2011 . What are SYNONYMS and ANTONYMS of ALLUDE? ChaCha Answer: An
Ads. Antonyms. Look up Antonyms Get the Best Answers Now!www.theanswerbank.co.uk/search/?. Both%20Antonym%20Homophone. Allude%20Antonym - Cachedallusion synonyms - Google Keyword - Website-Tools.netAllude Synonyms, Allude Antonyms | Thesaurus.com. thesaurus.com/browse/
SYNONYM.ORG. Enter a word: Antonyms of verb allude Sorry, I could not find
Dictionary - Definition of alluded. . Base verb from the following inflections:
Antonym: allude to. Position, Antonym (sorted by strength) . www.websters-dictionary-online.com/definition/allude%20toIndirect antonym - Online Etymology DictionaryLook up antonym at Dictionary.com . Perhaps introduced to English in the book "
allude has got 2 meanings and 123 synonyms. Look up English within synonym
Contact · Synonym-Antonym · Home · Tweet · Synonym-Antonym. Find Synonym-
Synonyms for elude at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
Translations of eluded. eluded synonyms, eluded antonyms. . wrongly used
insinuate. The word insinuate is grammatically verb that means hint, suggest and
Antonym >> to allude to. The lawyer cited many precedents in supporting his
Feb 1, 2012 . Antonyms:intensify, aggravate. ALLUDE (noun: ALLUSION): To refer to indirectly
Help us improve our dictionary and if you know or have heard some other
. up at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. .
What is the antonym of allude? In: Synonyms and Antonyms [Edit categories].
Browse By; Synonyms · Antonyms · Definitions · Home | Synonyms | touched ·
Find comprehensive list of opposite words for Allude at our free antonym
Top questions and answers about Antonym of Allude. Find 3 questions and
Mar 16, 2012 . What is an antonym for allude? ChaCha Answer: I am not finding any words truly
elude means to escape or evade from while allude means to make a more or less
What are possible solutions for the crossword clue 'Allude'? also Allusion Hint,
Top questions and answers about Antonyms of Allude. Find 3 questions and
Sep 1, 2010 . What Antonym 4 allude? ChaCha Answer: Antonyms from thesaurus.com include
Synonym: alertness Antonym: apathy Alienate ------ Definition: To make
allude - 6 results. hint (verb) . Another words for allude? Words for allude? .
Anyone know an antonym for this word? I need an antonym for allude which
Web Results for Antonym of Allude: Antonym of allude | Synonym.com. Find the
Words and phrases that rhyme with allude. What are . What rhymes with the
? Mention Explicitly or Mention clearly without any imagination Read More ».
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The antonym of allude. . Antonyms. We are sorry, there are no antonyms for the
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Synonyms for allude at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
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skinflint; tightwad; miser. 11. WORD. DEFINITION. SYNONYM. ANTONYM. 1
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Feb 16, 2011 . 20. coercing Synonyms & Antonyms 1. harassed 2. punitive 3. . .. elated 3.
Definition of allude in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of allude. Pronunciation of
hint - Word Definitions / Meanings, Synonyms and Antonyms, Reference Words .
Definition of antonym from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio . of
Completing the Sentence. Synonyms. Antonyms. Choosing the Right Word. 1
What is the antonym of allude? Mention Explicitly or Mention clearly without any