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Pronunciation. (UK) IPA: /ænˈtɛnaɪ/
an·ten·na audio ( n-t n ) KEY NOUN: pl. an·ten·nae (-t n ) KEY. Zoology One of the
. in a sentence. Example sentences with the word antenna. antenna example
Antennae are wires that receive and conduct electromagnetic waves, . Learn
Sep 19, 2011 . Audio: North American pronunciation of "antennae" . Audio 3: North American
Pronunciation: Chin − chao . Chinchou can release negatively charged
Antenna definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation,
[invertebrate zoology] A subdivision of the insect order Hemiptera containing
According to Latin form, the plural form of antenna is ANTENNAE (insect sensory
Results 1 - 16. tv antennae plural antennae definition antennae pronunciation .
Feb 16, 2004 . Classification · Pronunciation · Explanation of Names · Numbers . Moths usually
. the trunk, and large antennae which are used for swimming .
Wasn't there a certain date when the pronunciation of Latin taught in English . -
Antennae Free online dictionary definitions, audio pronunciation just mouse over
See algae, antennae, larvae, minutia, papilla(e), vertebrae. . According to
howjsay . com. A free online Talking Dictionary of English Pronunciation Just
antenna noun (NOTICING) - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more
Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic transcription) of the word short-
Definition of antenna (antennae) in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of
The Kμ band (English pronunciation: /ˌkeɪˈjuː/) is a portion of the . watts of
Correct pronunciation of 'antennae' #1 (permalink) Mon Nov 08, 2010 14:20 pm
plural an·ten·nae nē\ or an·ten·nas. Definition of ANTENNA. 1. plural an·ten·nae :
Yagi antenna definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
Say antenna from thepronunciation ipa ntn Question how to it again , ntn click for
Hi, please how do you pronounce the plural form of the word "antenna" -
[invertebrate zoology] A formerly recognized suborder of Lepidoptera including
Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic transcription) of the word water flea.
pronunciation Do spiders have antenn'? Tutor's tip: A radio's "antenna" (one)
Pronunciation. (UK) IPA: /ænˈtɛni/; (UK) IPA: /ænˈtɛnaɪ/. [edit.
Audio pronunciation for " antennae " hear it again. Having trouble hearing a
Nov 9, 2009 . Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce antennae in English with native
Fred Astaire drew laughs back in the Thirties with his song Let's Call the Whole
Sep 19, 2011 . a minute semi-transparent freshwater crustacean with long antennae and a
antenna - Clear definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and related words,
And, to my surprise, my dictionary shows the pronunciation of antennae to have a
Feb 11, 2004 . I just noticed that my Touareg doesn't appear to have any antennae. . .
Click on the T button in an entry to review the synonyms and related words for
Array, consisting of a pronounced antennae permalink mon nov countryantennae
Define antenna. What is antenna? antenna meaning, synonyms and audio
Nov 2, 2011 . Main Entry: rad·i·cal Pronunciation: \ˈra-di-kəl\ . 3 a: marked by a . . We walked
It first appeared in Webster 3 (1961) with two pronunciations: AHNGKST (rhymes
The Difference Between Do And Make 1609 Esl British Pronunciation on WN .
ANTENNAE PRONUNCIATION - Page 7. , sampa n ten Translation of a pair of
How do you pronounce antenna and use it? Listen to audio and watch videos of
antennae. 150 Mile Outdoor Antennas Ranked #1 Best Outdoor HD Antennas
AUDIO PRONUNCIATION FOR. antennae cleaner. Close Window.
Pronunciation. IPA: /ænˈtɛn.ə/, SAMPA: /{n"tEn.@/. Rhymes: -ɛnə. [edit.
The plural of antenna can be antennas (pronounced like antenna with an s on .
How do you pronounce antennae? Answer It! In: English Spelling and
AUDIO PRONUNCIATION FOR. antennae cleaner. - Close Window.