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Application of reproductive biotechnology in animals: implications and potentials
Nov 25, 2008 . Animal Reproduction Science 115 (2009) 149–157. Contents lists available at
Animal Reproduction Science ISSN: 0378-4320. Imprint: ELSEVIER. Actions.
Sexual reproduction is the primary method of reproduction for the vast majority of
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Animal Reproduction Science 82–83 (2004) 495–512. The use of hormonal
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Determination of optimal semen processing methods for total RNA isolation and
Animal Reproduction Science 86 (2005) 317–328. Immunohistochemical
Regulation of testicular function in the stallion: an intricate network of endocrine,
Browse by Journal: Animal reproduction science (1 article) . Water Pollution,
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Animal Reproduction Science | Article in press . www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/aip/03784320 - SimilarScienceDirect.com - Animal Reproduction Science - Alpaca semen . Most studies in alpaca reproductive biology have been focused on female
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Reproductive Sciences. Janine Brown with Asian elephant Shanthi Education.
Unnecessary cruelty in animal experimentation is not acceptable to the Editors of
Late gestati. Source: Animal Reproduction Science - January 25, 2012 Category
Information and links for the Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology . State
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Publication year: 2012Source:Animal Reproduction Science, Volume 131, Issues
Animal Reproduction Science 117 (2010) 322–330. Contents lists available at
Jan 5, 2012 . ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE. An International Journal. Editors-in-Chief:
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Animal Reproduction Science 81 (2004) 159–175. The potential for gamete
Cynthia Reid wrote: From: "Cynthia Reid" <CynthiaReid@worldnet.att.net>
International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS). Member Subscription Form for
Animal Reproduction Science. Published by: Elsevier. People. Knox. 3. Knox .
Ad-hoc reviewer for: Biology of Reproduction, Animal Reproduction Science,
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Iowa State University, Animal Science BS, 1957. Iowa State University, Animal
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