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Feb 1, 2010 . East West School of Herbology - Come study with Michael Tierra. . a unique
Thank you for your interest in the American Institute of Alternative Medicine (AIAM
The first program of its kind, the Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
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University of Michigan Integrative Medicine, an interdisciplinary program, is
Apr 12, 2011 . Patients' desire for alternative therapies is driving changes in medical education.
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The Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (AANMC) was
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Alternative medicine schools can teach students how to use various forms of
Among the oldest institutions of higher education and research in the United
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An herb school integrating Western herbal medicine and Chinese medicine with
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East West College of Natural Medicine offers a masters degree in acupuncture
With this page we bring the viewer a listing of major Colleges/Universities/
Jan 15, 2011 . There has been a growing public interest in complementary and alternative
Find an herbal medicine school today - it's about thyme!
Nov 1, 2009 . Future doctors and nurses are learning about acupuncture and herbs along with
If your ambition is to study Holistic Medicine in order to help people with anything
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The National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) is an accredited Medical
Education and certification in Chinese herbalism for health professionals and .
Apr 9, 2009 . Education and Training in Herbal Medicine: Main; Additional listings; CAM;
In 1956, Charles Stone, Frank Spaulding, and W. Martin Bleything established
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An Arizona medical school educating doctors and providing services in; general
As an acupunture school in the San Jose, California area, our goal is to create
A Member of the University of Maryland Medical System | In Partnership with the
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Nutrition Degree - When you study with the Global College of Natural Medicine
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Chinese acupuncture and medical school in Houston offers courses in alternative
Welcome to the American Holistic Medical Association. a place for holistic . a
Alternative Medicine Schools & Colleges: - General Listing.
Articles related to alternative medicine schools. . Phoenix Institute of Herbal
If you are searching for a Holistic and Alternative Medicine School in the United
Indian Board of Alternative Medicine offers professional programs in various
Find the top Alternative Medicine schools, degree programs, .