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List of Alt Codes Edit. ALT+124 or shift+\ = White heart; ALT+141 = Spiral; ALT+
Here are some that can be used on RuneScape (These Alt codes came from the
This is a reference chart to the codes to type special characters using the "Alt" key
Here Are The Alt Codes. ALT+124 = White heart ALT+141 = Spiral ALT+157 =
How do you do the shooting star alt code? Hold alt the whole time then tyoe in
<APPLET>, align, alt, code, codebase, height, hspace, name, vspace, width,
Aug 20, 2009 . My post a couple weeks ago, HTML Code Fun in Posts, didn't satisfy me . Have
I've seen people use some Alt codes in screenshots, like musical notes or stars. I
Aug 25, 2010 . Finally, To use the Alt codes, Hold down the alt button (On some computers the '
Stars STAR OF DAVID. See Also, six pointed star with middle dot U+1F52F .
When members want to change their names they suddenly can't use ALT codes (
Dec 1, 2011 . Yeah, I've made a reference for that Alt Codes. Question. How do i get those
. much more! 5 Star Support - Free Computer Help and Technical Support . Alt
This is a reference chart to the codes to type special characters using the "Alt" key
Dec 17, 2010 . Wonder how to type alt codes on Linux? There are no alt codes for Linux. You
What is the alt code for a star? [ ★ ] solid star = Alt + 9733 [ ☆ ] star outline = Alt +
Star symbols, ★ ☆ ✰, Cool star characters, the black star symbols looks quite .
I've put all the Alt codes on a page at . : http://thurmania.com/Altchart.html but I don't think there is a five-point star but Alt+15 is close. ☼ more like a .
Jun 28, 2011 . Complete table with all Alt codes and characters that they produce. . If you're
Sep 4, 2005 . Author, Topic: Alt Codes (Read 10554 times). Daniel . Alt 0165 - Star Alt 753 -
Koosaj Games - Only The Best Free Online Games! - Action games, Auto-moto
Jul 16, 2003 . Hold down the Alt button while typing in the numeric code to create them. . ..
Nov 6, 2011 . Guides on Alt codes for symbols, cool Unicode characters, HTML entity . How do
Posted by Alt codes | Posted in Symbols | Posted on 22-01-2010 . . A famous
Dec 22, 2010 . well i found alt codes but it didn't work so i found faster way - found star in ASCII
XHTML Character Set · ASCII Charset Alt Codes · Web design resources . .. &#
Basically, you press the 'alt' key and then type a number code on the numeric . .
Oct 14, 2007 . Today's remaining codes: . . star solid [ number: ★ ;] [ ☆ ] star outline [
Jun 14, 2010 . Activate Secret Emoji Emoticons on the iPhone for Free · Gmail Chat Pile of Poo/
Jan 9, 2000 . How to type in Microsoft Windows Alt +2044 . ascii document and specify the
If you are already familiar with using alt codes, simply select the alt code . . but is
Welcome to Useful Shortcuts, THE Alt Code resource! If you are already familiar
Image. image of Unicode Character 'BLACK STAR' (U+2605) . How to type in
Dec 1, 2011 . Sorry, but there's no way to do it with alt codes. I've researched on that before and
solid star = Alt + 9733 [ ☆ ] star outline = Alt + 9734 The numbers should be typed
Description Of Guide:A few Alt Codes And How to use them. The Guide: ALT+124
See also the list of ASCII character codes for Windows programs right here on
HTML 4.0 Entities, The higher part of ISO-8859-1 (codes from 160-255) can all be
Stars facebook symbols . . While holding Alt key enter one of the codes below to
Mar 16, 2011 . Alt Codes (symbols and character computer keyboard codes) . . Question. I look
If you're looking for ASCII codes to use with the numpad, you've come to the right
Jan 25, 2011 . While holding Alt key enter one of the codes below to get the corresponding .
Jun 30, 2008 . OK, in addition to the alt codes I listed in an earlier post, I finally found a . star
Jul 22, 2006 . I am looking for the “alt+” code of the “registred” sign . .. theres no alt code for a
Average user rating: 2.5stars out of 8 reviews Back to product review . With the
Aug 26, 2010 . Ever wanted to do those tricky alt codes, but never know how to ? Well, have .
Top questions and answers about Star ALT Codes. Find 1882 questions and
Using the Alt Key, Unicode Characters and HTML Codes . . smiley face, scissors,
I've seen people post that it is ALT + 157 but that just gives me this ¥. Maybe it is a star for European keyboard layouts.
Jul 30, 2010 . You Can Go To And Also See The Alt Codes! :D . Star Dosent work. Jun 25,