Feb 4, 12
Other articles:
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  • 1789, Newly-elected President George Washington appoints Alexander Hamilton
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  • Proposing a Solution. One prominent architect of the fledgling country —
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  • Nov 20, 2009 . President George Washington appointed Alexander Hamilton to be the first
  • Alexander Hamilton campaigned actively for the position of treasury secretary,
  • Alexander Hamilton was the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Read this brief
  • Oct 8, 2008 . On September 2, 1789, Congress established The Treasury Department, naming
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  • Alexander Hamilton: A Resource Guide (Virtual Services and Programs, . New
  • President George Washington appointed Hamilton as the first United States
  • Dec 28, 2011 . Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton requested and received 10
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  • Feb 10, 2011 . Hamilton, as the first secretary of the Treasury, helped establish a national .
  • What kind of experience with money related positions and exposures did he .
  • The first U.S. secretary of the treasury, Alexander Hamilton was one of the
  • Alexander Hamilton was a Founding Father of our nation and the first Secretary
  • Front Page arrow Titles (by Subject) arrow TO ALEXANDER HAMILTON,
  • President Washington nominated and the Senate confirmed Hamilton as the
  • The first U.S. secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) was
  • A summary of Secretary of the Treasury II: 1791–1795 in 's Alexander Hamilton.
  • Alexander Hamilton, the American statesman and economist, was born, as a . .
  • Nov 11, 2010 . find out about Treasury Department's Recovery Act programs. . . of the
  • Secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton is best known for his tenure as Secretary of
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  • The solid reputation of Alexander Hamilton places him among but a handful of
  • Alexander Hamilton served as the first Secretary of the Treasury. He is credited
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  • Alexander Hamilton was the new nation's first Treasury Secretary and the first of
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  • Alexander Hamilton was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, author of
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  • The first Secretary of the Treasury was Alexander Hamilton, who was sworn into
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