Jan 11, 12
Other articles:
  • Akinator - A Bigger Mystery Than Magnets? Akinator, how does thou work?
  • Akinator-How-Does-It-Work.
  • . character is a woman than from the database will examine only the data wich
  • http://us.akinator.com/# Surprisingly addicting; will normally guess what you're
  • How the hell does this work?! http://wn.com/Let's_Play_Akinator. Crash
  • Apr 8, 2011 . How does Akinator work? . Akinator is a game based on 20 questions after
  • Seriously, how does the akinator app work? Already guessed I was thinking of
  • This this is surprisingly accurate, though I do find the more obscure references . I
  • GENIUS WEB FAQ - How does akinator web genius work? - There's something of
  • The Akinator (http://en.akinator.com/) is a smart phone and web based game that
  • “Does your character live in a castle?” Uh oh . Akinator didn't know what to
  • The website Akinator.com does work and is a lot of fun. Just ask a question and .
  • Sep 14, 2011 . Akinator, how does thou work? Watch him figure out Konata Izumi from Lucky
  • Please let us know if someone is violating the AOL Answers terms of use or
  • Aug 31, 2011 . I remember actually adding Will to akinator but i'm not sure about Norm. .
  • Dec 18, 2009 . The Akinator Questions Scare Me (Person: Bill Kaulitz) #1 Does your character
  • How does this site work? http://us.akinator.com/ Thanks. 2 years ago; Report
  • Barbra you can also install it on your iphone :P . Akinator asked a few simple
  • You can even introduce new characters to Akinator. . to play funny games online
  • . user) to a girl at the office. I bring out the Akinator and ask her to think of
  • Oct 30, 2010 . How the hell does this work?! . Thumbnail 4:03. Add to. Akinator (Web Genius) -
  • Is your character a teenager? No Do you work with your character? No Does your
  • Apr 21, 2011 . Akinator, the Web Genius I've been trying to stump this "guy" for the past hour.
  • That person chooses a subject but does not reveal this to the others. . such as "
  • So how does the Akinator work? Basically, as I've mentioned it plays a game of
  • Hey, i've been thinking: how does the akinator work? (en.akinator.com)I tought
  • Akinator , the web Genius. . Help me complete this list so that we can get
  • There are some updates to this page that haven't been applied yet because you'
  • hay sum of thes apps that say thay dont work on n97 do. N97-FreAk22. Great
  • How does the akinator work? ChaCha Answer: Akinator, the Web Genius is a
  • Hire a freelance professional that can help you with your Akinator logic projects.
  • Akinator This site claims to guess any person you might be thinking . . it 27
  • After the 20 questions are up, the Akinator will tell you the character you . I
  • Nov 17, 2011 . Let's take a closer look at how a refrigerator works. . it's made,how does the
  • I've decided to find out how it could work. . I've tried to implement this and it
  • Re: Akinator can guess any character, including me. Post by mikey on Jul 9, 2011
  • Feb 19, 2011 . So a few minutes ago my counsins introduced me to this website called [Akinator]
  • Apr 28, 2011 . I had a couple of apps that would not work, until I turned on/off my wifi, . Akinator.
  • Jul 1, 2009 . It does not work all the time obviously, but you can add the character that Akinator
  • . Henry Stimson. The Akinator beat me with Tamerlane. . I don't dislike newbies
  • By the time you answer the 20th question, Akinator has eliminated 5^20 -> over
  • Aug 18, 2010 . Akinator.com is a website in which a person can play 20 questions . Question 4:
  • Re: OMG. he can read minds. "AKINATOR" will guess all your thoughts.Try it!
  • How do 20 questions AI algorithms work? . How do they guess so well? .
  • very simple..it uses algorithms. it has a huge database..it gueses your charachter
  • Akinator Addicting in the "I'm going to beat you if it's the last thing I do!" way. .
  • This review is from: Akinator (App). I've been getting technical error every time I
  • http://en.akinator.com/ This thing is pretty good. You think of any character, even
  • online page with Review and informations for Akinator - iPhone .
  • I downloaded the free Amazon App (Akinator) and I've been playing it for like the

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