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Dec 18, 2010 . 4-letter ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) code - used by air traffic
Although the IATA standard provides for three-character airline designators, IATA
Free airport and airline data with IATA, ICAO, latitude, longitude, elevation, . a
Nov 28, 2010 . The airline codes used to be 2 letters but there got to be so many that it was
Although the IATA standard provides for three-character airline designators, IATA
Use our Airport Codes Quick Search and find US and worldwide airport codes,
Mar 19, 2009 . The code-share flights in the upper and lower sections of the orange frame use
Country, Country Name, New, Valid, Valid, Remarks. Code, Code, From, To. AC,
The IATA code used to refer to the airport is MUC. The airport . Jump to:
IATA airline designators, sometimes called IATA reservation codes, are two-
Manifest codes are the codes that American Airlines uses on the passenger
This web site has been setup to help you cut through the jungle of all those codes
Finnair Plus Platinum, Gold and Silver members as well as Business Class
What is the IATA (International Air Transport Association) airline code of Aero
Jan 1, 2012 . IATA codes are mostly used on public material (tickets, timetables, flight . while
IATA Airline Codes are used to identify an airline for all commercial purposes. the
If you knew that Fort Myers used to be called SouthWest Florida Regional, the
Jul 14, 2009 . But what are airline promotion codes and how do you find them? What do they
Regional and intercontinental flights, major airline companies. . and other
The International Air Transport Association's (IATA) Location Identifier, a unique 3
These codes are used by airlines and travel agents. .
The use of a leading Y for "most" Canadian airports is a convention of the IATA (
These are the codes that airlines and pilots use to identify airports and are used
The following codes are used on airline tickets to identify the .
Jun 18, 2011 . The codes used by American Airlines can be found by visiting their website. To
Glossary of Travel-related abbreviations, acronyms and definitions used in ARC
The codes are published biannually in the IATA Airline Coding Directory. Most
Review airline codes assigned by the IATA (International Air Transport
The International Civil Aviation Organization's alphabet is the widely used
Although the IATA standard provides for three-character airline designators, IATA
Jan 13, 2008 . For example, the OZ code originally used by US regional carrier Ozark Airlines
ordination between the airlines involved. In addition to the use of an airline's
Dec 27, 2011 . The codes in short: * F = Full-Fare First Class * P = First Class (some airlines use
IATA Airline Codes are used to identify an airline for all commercial purposes. the
The air lines codes used during the flight and after the flight to ensure the safe
. click on it. look for airlines discounts, then click . airlines, then click on 'get my
The International Air Transport Association, or IATA, assigns a two-digit code to
Two letter airline IATA codes and three letter ICAO airline codes for all the worlds'
World Trading Aircraft Codes, Airport Codes, Airline Codes, IATA ICAO, Ticket, .
. for newbie FF to understand all the abbreviations used for each of the airlines.
20, Table U, Receiver (Airline) Codes . The proposal contains the various codes
IATA airline designators, sometimes called IATA reservation codes, are two-
World Airport Codes provides information for almost every airport in the world.
I notice that AFCAD provides a list of airlines and codes that . there is a pecking
The IATA abbreviation stands for the International Air Transport Association. The
May 25, 2011 . Flying Blue, the frequent-flier program of Air France/KLM, has banned customer
The standard codes used by the airline industry for .
This web site has been setup to help you cut through the jungle of all those codes
Aircraft Type Codes. Below is a list of IATA Aircraft Type Codes with ICAO tie-ups
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