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There are three companies that produced Agent Orange (main ingredient is . .
Jul 26, 2010 . In an Agent Orange-based claim by a Vietnam veteran for . monthly disability
Is Presumptive Service-connected Agent Orange Disability Compensation .
Agent Orange: Diseases & Symptoms. "Agent Orange" was an herbicide and
Agent Orange, the nickname applied to a herbicide/defoliant used widely during
Agent Orange Class Assistance Program (AOCAP): 202-289-6173; Bill Lewis,
Vietnam and ALL Veterans of Florida Inc, Agent Orange and Health Page. .
Symptoms of PTSD can be terrifying and usually start soon after the traumatic .
Later I saw children with empty eye sockets and still others with no trace of eyes
AGENT ORANGE HUMAN SYMPTOMS . Please pass this on and Read
How might a veteran's PTSD symptoms affect his or her children? Re-
Service men exposed to Agent Orange risk cancer, lawyers help Agent Orange .
Aug 11, 2011 . Symptoms Of Agent Orange In Vietnam Veterans. Agent Orange is a type of
Agent Orange no mystery for some Vietnam children. . None of the children at a
Mar 30, 2011 . Marie, On the page of links on this website go to the agent orange legacy site (the
The number of cancers and diseases linked to pesticides is .
Jun 16, 2008 . The VA started an Agent Orange Outreach Program back in the day, . There are
One of the most common effects of Agent Orange on children whose parents
Now I am learning that grand children of Vietnam Vets are starting to show effects
Agent Orange, the chemical used in this defoliation programme not only
Agent Orange side effects on children. . its not the first time but there is some
Agent Orange Photo | The 15 Herbicides Used in Vietnam | List of . .. "Similar
Jul 12, 2007 . The statistics continue to reinforce Agent Orange has hurt so many of us. . these
Nov 3, 2011. in Veterans as associated with Agent Orange exposure during military service.
With thousands of military veterans exposed, the symptoms, the effects, the
Diseases recognized by the VA as connected to Agent Orange and the VA' s
Agent Orange Symptoms - Personal injury attorneys and lawyers representing
If something does develop, please register at the nearest VA Agent Orange
Mar 8, 2011 . Agent Orange & Its Neurological Symptoms. Agent Orange is an herbicide that
He is 100% disabled due to Agent Orange exposure, and I believe he was . or
Symptoms in Children of Agent Orange Fathers When Agent Orange is passed to
Jun 25, 2010 . One of these defoliants was Agent Orange, and some troops were . symptoms,
children. By the way, those that served on the DMZ in Korea, also . The following
Report on the Vietnam Veteran Agent Orange Health Study On April 9, 1993, the
Jun 1, 2009 . Vietnam Dialogue Group on Agent Orange/Dioxin, a bilateral citizens' group of
Is it strange that these children of Vietnam decades later suffer from the same
There are teenagers and even children with Parkinson's Disease. . So if Agent
Unlike exposure to other toxins, many Agent Orange symptoms tend to take
Find out more about Agent Orange and how it affects type 2 diabetes. . Safe at
Dec 6, 2009 . Children of male veterans face a tougher fight for help from government .
2 days ago . Agent Orange Legacy is looking for the children of American Vietnam . . present
What to do if your condition is listed as not Agent-Orange related. . . for service
Jul 8, 2011. VA recognizes in Veterans as associated with Agent Orange exposure during
Agent Orange defoliant used during the Vietnam War has caused long ranging
According to Vietnamese estimates, the millions of gallons of Agent Orange that
Every one of them was reduced to a single component of the Agent Orange
Apr 12, 2011 . Birth Defect Research for Children has been collecting data and working on the
Signs and symptoms are nonspecific and generally related to the blood . .
The following is a list of reported Agent Orange symptoms and effects: . Family:
Three studies have suggested prior exposure to Agent Orange poses an