Other articles:
www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~pr10/publications/aisb09.pdfCachedSimilarciplines of human-computer interaction (HCI), affective computing, . of these
link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-642-11276-8_24.pdfAbstract. Affective computing is integrated on artificial emotions and . .. Ward,
Reynolds C, Picard R (2004) Affective sensors, privacy, and ethical contracts. .
hcim.di.fc.ul.pt/hcimwiki/images/1/1d/SouthCHI.pdfCachedlike reading, understanding, memory or different emotional reactions. . .. Ward, R
iacis.org/iis/2010/577-584_LV2010_1463.pdfCachedSimilardo not address any of the potential problems that these devices . the most
affect.media.mit.edu/projects.phpCachedSimilarOur intention is to better understand affective engagement, by creating both a . .
www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~ruth/. /Agents&affect%20Samos05_04.pdfCachedSimilarIt raises sometimes complex control issues as limbs, trunks and heads . Affective
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www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/. /dblpCachedAffective computing: problems, reactions and intentions. Robert D. Ward, and
ecs.utdallas.edu/research/researchlabs/msp. /Mariooryad_201x.pdfCachedevaluators' reaction lag caused by observing, appraising, and responding to the
csl.anthropomatik.kit.edu/. /DEIB_201314_AffectiveComputing.pdfCachedDec 20, 2013 . on Emotional and Cognitive issues in ITS, 2008. • Cowie et al.: Beyond . Media
www.researchgate.net/. /54ca7dca0cf2c70ce521f25d.pdfCachedSimilar. on purpose: a step towards building an affective computer" is an extremely
Volume 1: Intelligent Ubiquitous Computing and Education Yanwen Wu. 4. .
www.strategicbusinessinsights.com/explorer/NGT-AC.shtmlCachedSimilarAffective-computing devices will be able to "react," change their operating mode,
https://online.tugraz.at/tug_online/voe_main2.getVollText?. CachedAffective Responses to System Messages in Human-Computer-Interaction:
www.bartneck.de/workshop/chi2006/papers/branco_hcif06.pdfCachedSimilarKeywords. Facial Expressions, Usability, Affective Computing. . would be
www.computer.org/csdl/trans/ta/2011/04/tta2011040230-abs.htmlPsychophysiology, affective computing, multicomponent approach, arousal, . .
eclub.unige.ch/. /Scherer_and_Banziger-2010-On_the_use_of_actor_ portrayals_in_research_on_emotional_expression.pdfCachedSimilarresearch in psychology, ethology, neuroscience, and affective computing. . and
www.digra.org/dl/db/06278.55257.pdfCachedSimilarComputing Department . . state is being sensed during play of an affective
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= a significant aspect of Affective Learning, affect recognition needs to be
www.di.uniba.it/intint/DC-ACII07/Afzal.pdfCachedThe Affective Computing Group at MIT is involved in a series of projects . . Ward
Controller: Electroencephalographic Measurement of Affective Gameplay
Technical re- port, School of Computer Science. Carnegie Mellon . Ward, R.,
www.researchgate.net/. /02e7e51cd4e26cb430000000.pdfCachedSimilar„Affective computing‟ can be defined as “computing that relates to, arises from,
eprints.hud.ac.uk/274/CachedOct 13, 2010 . Ward, Robert D. and Marsden, Philip H. (2004) Affective computing: problems,
www.hindawi.com/journals/ahci/2010/263593/CachedSimilarMay 6, 2010 . This paper will give an introduction to in-car affective computing with an
www.ejel.org/issue/download.html?idArticle=44CachedSimilarThe field of affective computing was proposed and pioneered by Rosalind Picard
users.cecs.anu.edu.au/. /gmcintyre_rgoecke_Springer_2007.pdfCachedpersonalised nature of affective expression and the influence that social . .. Ward
237–45. Picard, R. W. (2000) Affective Computing. . P. H. (2004) 'Affective
. on emotional expression in psychology, neuroscience, and affective computing
dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1994080SimilarJul 1, 2011 . Affective computing in the era of contemporary neurophysiology and health . .
https://spiral.imperial.ac.uk/bitstream/. /1/. /Pantic-ProcIEEE03.pdfCachedKeywords—Affective computing, affective states, automatic . The exploration of
www.engpaper.net/affective-computing-and-3d-computers.htmCachedLifelike pedagogical agents and affective computing: An exploratory synthesis
encyclopedia.jrank.org/articles/pages/. /Affective-Computing.htmlCachedSimilar. adapting to their users and their level of attention, preferences, moods, and
Frontal EEG responses as a function of affective musical features. Annals of the
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 29, 55–64 (2003) 20. . Ward,
ocw.metu.edu.tr/mod/resource/view.php?id=5205CachedSimilarAffective computing and interaction : psychological, cognitive, and neuroscientific
www.robertrmorris.org/. /CrowdsourcingTechniques_Morris_McDuff.pdfCachedaffective computing problems and might lead to exciting breakthroughs in the
www.academia.edu/3268496/Usability_Indicators_-_In_Your_FaceCachedKeywords Facial Expressions, Usability, Affective Computing. . . Ward, R. D.,
Guilford Press, New York, pp 173—191 Ward RD, Marsden PH (2004) Affective
ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=6407459SimilarResults 1 - 12 of 12 . Editorial for the Special Section on Ethics and Affective Computing . in
gaips.inesc-id.pt/gaips/component/gaips/. /showPublicationPdf?. CachedSimilarogy) dealing with the cultural-awareness problem for children aged 13 to. 14. 1
https://smiljanaa.files.wordpress.com/2013/. /the_immersive_hand.pdfCachedital NVC with regard to affective computing, touching upon possible socio-cultural
speakit.cn/Group/file/ACReview_ACII05.pdfCachedSimilarAbstract. Affective computing is currently one of the most active research .
interruptions.net/literature/Mentis_Thesis.pdfCachedincidents in Translation are usually high priority usability problems. Finally, those
Cultural Expectations and the Design Implications They Place on Computers and
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EmotionCachedSimilarIn addition PET scans and fMRI scans help study the affective processes in the .
hci.cs.wisc.edu/courses/hci/?p=540CachedOct 15, 2010 . International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 59, 1-2, 55-64. . P. H.