Other articles:
Oct 31, 2011 . College Admissions Testing, Class of 2009: District and Campus . When are the
ACT SCORES & NEWS RELEASES . ACT National Test Dates, 2011-12. ACT
Find ACT Test Dates and locate ACT Test Centers. . 2009-2010 ACT Test Dates
Sep 26, 2011 . Provides standardized test results from the SAT, ACT, and AP tests which
These reports exclude English Language Learner Students from 2008, 2009,
Interpreting SAT and ACT results can be as difficult as taking the tests themselves
The ACT consists of curriculum-based tests of educational development in.
The ACT is more popular in the Midwest, while the SAT is the favored test on .
The ACT college entrance exam. Free practice tests. ACT test dates, ACT
Jul 14, 2009 . MME/ACT - Spring 2009 Results. . In addition, TCAPS' District ACT test results
Aug 17, 2011 . Along with KY 100% participation in ACT testing in 2009, the data correlates with
Started in SAT and ACT Tests & Test Preparation by Roger_Dooley on 10-27-
Michigan Department of Education - MME Test Results. . ACT Spring 2009
The SAT and ACT are two very different college entrance exams. . The SAT is
Mar 16, 2010 . ACT College Entrance Test Results for 2009 High School Graduates. From
During the 2009-2010 academic year, 126506 students in Georgia public
2009 Colorado ACT State Summary Results. 2009 State Summary (XLS Version)
In fact, anyone scoring a 34, 35 or 36 is among the top 1% of test-takers in the
State High School Tests: Changes in State Policies and the Impact of the College
2009-10 high school graduates and thereafter eligible for Bright Futures: .
Most colleges use ACT scores as only one factor in their admission process. . .
Sep 22, 2011 . As a "pre-ACT" test, PLAN is a powerful predictor of success on the ACT. .
Feb 20, 2011 . Looking at charts for SAT and ACT results separately, however, here's what I
Corporate fact sheets, ACT Test data, press releases, ACT in the news, and .
Have the testing agency send your official SAT Reasoning scores or ACT scores
Registration information and ACT test dates in the U.S., U.S. Territories, and
North Carolina State Testing ACT—Accommodations Webinar (Recorded on
Despite a nine percent jump in the number of graduating students taking the test,
Feb 23, 2011 . Those states and their ranking on ACT/SAT scores are as follows: South . all
Feb 25, 2010 . Subject test scores in all four sections of ACT range from 1 to 36. . at the Web
College-Bound Seniors 2009. . SAT Subject Tests™ . . (pdf/130.69K) ·
News about the No Child Left Behind Act. Commentary and archival information
The PSAE includes three components: (1) the ACT, which includes the ACT
Although the ACT test provides useful information, the results for one state . In
Aug 18, 2010 . The average ACT test score of Wisconsin students again ranked third in . while
View AACPS 2009-2011 Reading & Math Test Result Highlights . The federal
National Ranks for Test Scores and Composite Score. (based on ACT-tested
3 Taking the test; 4 Raw scores, scaled scores, and percentiles; 5 SAT-ACT . ..
Aug 19, 2009 . ACT said its report was based on comparing students' ACT test scores . The
Iowa students continue to earn the second highest average ACT scores in the
Jul 12, 2011 . The schedule of dates for the 2011-2012 SAT & ACT Tests. . If you need extra
Aug 25, 2009 . The College Board released today the 2009 SAT Scores by State. . These
Similar questions: find act test results online fashion . February 7, 2009 February
You can view your scores through your student Web account. If you tested
Jan 20, 2010 . Find IL test scores for you child's school and compare Illinois test results. . The
May 6, 2010 . 2009 Wisconsin Act 209 makes several changes in the statutes . Act 209 allows
Required Test Scores. SAT/ACT Requirements; English Proficiency Examination
MME Test Results. > Persistently Lowest . 9, 2009. This replaces the
What this means is that you shouldn't stress out too much about your scores, .
Tested after 9/1/2009, Tested before 9/1/2009. $10.00 per test date per report,