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Can't find an acronym you're looking for in our listing? Try the listing, and
This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo-blends. For the purposes of
Sep 21, 2010 . User Tutorials Glossary This is a list of the most frequently used dreaming related
IDEM > About > IDEM Acronyms IDEM Acronyms. Welcome to IDEM's
List of Acronyms of Organizations. Page 1 of 16. Organization Name.
On this site you will find a list of slang terms, acronyms and abbreviations as used
Department of Environment Quality (DEQ). Acronym List. This list contains
Browse the Web's Largest Acronyms & Abbreviations Resource . T-Shirts | write
This page has definitions of most of the used acronyms/abbreviations on the
Construct, Title / Version, Referenced by, Status, Document Access. REF 04,
This web page, maintained by VIReC, provides an online searchable database of
Acronym List · Attendance Areas · Course Guides & Handbooks .
May 14, 2006 . The Acronym Lookup Tool lists and explains acronyms that are found on CMS.
Acronym List. A. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Augmentative and
This list is not the complete list, please use the Acronym search of our . This is
Acronym List.
This guide from the Government Information Library contains links to online
DSHS - Acronyms. . Acronyms. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W
Dec 2, 2008 . A. top. A — Ampere; A3RI — Antarctic Astronomy and Astrophysics Research
This acronyms list contains acronyms and abbreviations, and 'backronyms' (
This list decodes the full names of instruments, computer models, field programs,
Reference list of acronyms appearing on the cms.hhs.gov website.
Welcome to acronyms list. We currently keep track of more than 40000 acronyms
Acronym, Meaning. 2L8, Too Late. 2U2, To You Too. 404, I Haven't A Clue - From
DERA. Defense Environmental Restoration Account. DES. Data Encryption
Acronym Finder: Index of acronyms and abbreviations starting with.
To add, delete, or correct any of the acronyms in this list, please contact Clayton
Acronym List. Acronym. Definition. A&A. AAAS. AACD. AAD. AA. AA/GH. AAPD.
A 3AAL Three Axis Acoustic Levitator A Angstrom A Acceleration A Aft A Alpha A
Acronyms List. Acronym. Definition. AAAE. American Association of Airport
Meanings of chat acronyms and abbreviations used in online chat, email, and
5 days ago . Acronym List - List of NIH and other acronyms and abbreviations including
Acronyms. Abbreviations. & Terms. A Capability Assurance Job Aid. FEMA-524 /
Purchase a copy for yourself. Copies of the latest version of the AFCEA
Jan 21, 2011 . The FDA Acronyms and Abbreviations database provides a quick reference to
We've got the most complete list of pick up artist acronyms and abbreviations
Mar 18, 2009 . If you want your glossaries, list of symbols and list of acronyms to appear in the
NECTAC's Wonderful (but incomplete) Acronym List 2009 .
The List of Chat Acronyms & Text Message Shorthand. Print this page. With more
September 26, 2008. Version 2.1.2. HITSP Acronyms List. Submitted to:
Feb 26, 2010 . 1351 abbreviations: If you have received a text message you don't . this
Search or browse Y-12's Acronym List. Home /; Library /; Acronyms. Acronym List.
List of computing and IT abbreviations. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
EOSDIS Core System Project Acronyms List: http://dmserver.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Additions or corrections to this page should be directed to: John Grout at jgrout@
. encounters all sorts of acronyms on the Cygwin mailing lists.