Dec 19, 11
Other articles:
  • Broadly speaking those on this website are: Rhymes and Catch Phrases,
  • Acronym Finder: Our Tips page provides information about how to use the site to
  • For example, if you want to remember the names of the Great Lakes, you could
  • here's a cool one did u know "laser" is an acronym? it stands for: Light Amplified
  • Mar 11, 2000 . Acronyms are a technique for memorizing lists of things. The concept is so simple
  • Example for Checkpoint 4.2 - Specify the expansion of each abbreviation or
  • Jul 25, 2006 . For example: <abbr title="association">assoc.</abbr>. Theoretically two groups
  • Many other abbreviations listed here are far more recent. Many older acronyms
  • What does that stand for? An Acronyms, Initials and Abbreviations finder! Free list
  • [Archive] Amazingly Amusing Acronyms! Examples of Acronyms used for comic
  • For example: NASA is an acronym created from the phrase "National Aeronautics
  • 4 days ago . abbr❱ is for both acronyms and abbreviations. ❰abbr❱ description, syntax, usage
  • If the shortened form is better-known than its spelled-out form (for example, ATM,
  • See the entry for Acronyms in Grammar Monster's list of grammar terms and .
  • Common Abbreviations | Abbreviations of Degrees | Links .
  • Other examples of mnemonics are acronyms and acrostics. Acronym To create
  • acronym - (a type of abbreviation) A word formed from the initial parts (letters OR
  • Toss "i.e." and "e.g." onto the great rubbish heap of Latin abbreviations whose
  • Examples. Example 1: Using abbr element to expand abbreviations. Example
  • Pseudo-acronyms, which consist of a sequence of characters that, when
  • Recursive acronyms are not limited to computing terminology. For example:
  • Any shortened form of a word is an abbreviation, for example, etc. for etcetera
  • Nov 9, 2011 . Other acronyms and abbreviations are acceptable but not required (i.e. FBI .
  • Apr 22, 2009 . Examples of some terms ending in "-ography" that are abbreviated "-og."
  • According to the strictest definition of an acronym, only abbreviations that are
  • The examples and perspective in this #Globalize may not represent a .
  • Example sentences with the word acronym. acronym example .
  • Occasionally, that notion is correct and there are some commonly used words
  • A. They're both abbreviations of Latin phrases: e.g. (exempli gratia) means 'for
  • IT Services training examples of Acronyms for web Accessibility.
  • Abbreviations. An abbreviation is a short way of writing a word or a phrase that
  • For example, if English had a fully productive case system, then ball in "The man
  • Some abbreviations are the first part of a longer word and are pronounced as
  • Some examples of common acronyms include NBA (National Basketball
  • Because these uses are so similar, the two abbreviations are easily confused. If
  • Examples Help! Acronyms! Visit this free resource for definitions and examples of
  • An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of a name or by combining
  • where <label> is the unique label identifying the acronym, <abbrv> is the
  • Acronym Finder: Index of acronyms and abbreviations starting with. . Acronym
  • Acronyms. If you use a lot of acronyms (like in the KIELER project with all its
  • Jan 2, 2009 . An acronym is a word that is that is made by taking the first letter of the full name
  • The specification gives examples of using the acronym tag with initialisms such
  • An acronym is a word derived from the initial letters of the words of a phrase: For
  • Jul 27, 2011 . Examples of Acronyms - Definition of 'Examples of Acronyms' from our glossary of
  • May 30, 2007 . Glossary of Terms, Definitions and Acronyms. Term. Definition . . Examples are
  • Example. An acronym is marked up as follows: Can I get this <acronym title="as
  • Top questions and answers about Examples of Acronyms. Find 20 questions and
  • Examples: English acronyms include "AWOL" (absent without leave), "RAM" (
  • This article defines the terms "acronym" and "initialism" and gives examples of
  • The education field is so full of acronyms and specialized words that it can seem

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