Jan 7, 12
Other articles:
  • Acronyms are words formed from the first or first few letters in a series of words;
  • What does that stand for? An Acronyms, Initials and Abbreviations finder! Free list
  • Oct 10, 2006 . Acronyms are made from the first letter (or letters) of a string of words but are
  • Apr 10, 2009 . Acronyms are made from the first letter (or letters) of a string of words but are
  • acronym - (a type of abbreviation) A word formed from the initial parts (letters OR
  • Example sentences with the word acronym. acronym example .
  • Please don't add the initials of your name (unless you're really famous). Don't add
  • Next: Advanced topics in <acronym>ODT</acronym> export, Previous: Math
  • Definition of acronym from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio
  • For example, if you want to remember the names of the Great Lakes, you could
  • use existing words (and sometimes the acronym is invented first and the phrase
  • An acronym is a word derived from the initial letters of the words of a phrase: For
  • An acronym is a word that is that is made by taking the first letter of the full name
  • Many older acronyms provide fascinating examples of the development of
  • Oct 15, 2007 . Acronym and Abbr examples from the W3C Quality Assurance Site.
  • Occasionally, that notion is correct and there are some commonly used words
  • The specification gives examples of using the acronym tag with initialisms such
  • May 27, 2011 . An acronym may spell out a component word without being recursive, as this
  • Oct 25, 2010 . An acronym is a word constructed from the initial letters of the main words in a
  • Jun 17, 2004 . Is the rule always the same for all acronyms or are there variations? . In the
  • An acronym is an abbreviation that is typically made up of the first letter or letters
  • Acronym Finder: Index of acronyms and abbreviations starting with. . Add
  • Jul 27, 2011 . Examples of Acronyms - Definition of 'Examples of Acronyms' from our glossary of
  • An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of a name or by combining
  • Acronym examples: . <acronym title="World Wide Web">. WWW</acronym>. .
  • Pseudo-acronyms, which consist of a sequence of characters that, when
  • (a) = acronym in the example: SARS – (a) Severe acute respiratory syndrome: (i)
  • Mar 11, 2000 . Acronyms are a technique for memorizing lists of things. The concept is so simple
  • Readers should understand common acronyms like USA, U.N., or even PC, but if
  • Example. An acronym is marked up as follows: Can I get this <acronym title="as
  • Acronym Examples. A search for "ECE" would return: ECE - Electrical and
  • The Fun With Acronyms trope as used in popular culture, with a list of examples
  • For example: NASA is an acronym created from the phrase "National Aeronautics
  • Apr 22, 2009 . Do not use periods when searching CAS abbreviations or acronyms . Examples
  • See the entry for Acronyms in Grammar Monster's list of grammar terms and .
  • here's a cool one did u know "laser" is an acronym? it stands for: Light Amplified by the. Stimulated Emission of. Radiation ok, its pretty lame, but wth .
  • Examples of the ACRONYM tag in HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0.
  • Note that abbreviations and acronyms often have idiosyncratic pronunciations.
  • Recursive acronyms are not limited to computing terminology. For example:
  • Jul 25, 2006 . For example: <abbr title="association">assoc.</abbr>. Theoretically two groups
  • In today's automotive world, acronym meanings can be very frustrating and
  • The well-known fiction that posh is an acronym, for example, seems to have
  • Apr 8, 2010 . We've debated free here on Acronym before, but often without many association
  • Example for Checkpoint 4.2 - Specify the expansion of each abbreviation or
  • The <acronym> tag was used to define acronyms in HTML 4.01. An acronym can
  • An acronym is an abbreviation that uses the beginning parts of each word in a
  • Jun 1, 2004 . Acronym examples: NASA, NATO and WYSIWYG. . Well, they are initialisms,
  • XML Acronym Demystifier Example. A very simple example to search for XML
  • Acronym Finder: FIRES stands for Facts, Incidents, Reasons, Examples, and
  • Example 3: Using the acronym element to expand an acronym. Example Code: <

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