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Acronyms are words formed from the first or first few letters in a series of words;
What does that stand for? An Acronyms, Initials and Abbreviations finder! Free list
Oct 10, 2006 . Acronyms are made from the first letter (or letters) of a string of words but are
Apr 10, 2009 . Acronyms are made from the first letter (or letters) of a string of words but are
acronym - (a type of abbreviation) A word formed from the initial parts (letters OR
Example sentences with the word acronym. acronym example .
Please don't add the initials of your name (unless you're really famous). Don't add
Next: Advanced topics in <acronym>ODT</acronym> export, Previous: Math
Definition of acronym from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio
For example, if you want to remember the names of the Great Lakes, you could
use existing words (and sometimes the acronym is invented first and the phrase
An acronym is a word derived from the initial letters of the words of a phrase: For
An acronym is a word that is that is made by taking the first letter of the full name
Many older acronyms provide fascinating examples of the development of
Oct 15, 2007 . Acronym and Abbr examples from the W3C Quality Assurance Site.
Occasionally, that notion is correct and there are some commonly used words
The specification gives examples of using the acronym tag with initialisms such
May 27, 2011 . An acronym may spell out a component word without being recursive, as this
Oct 25, 2010 . An acronym is a word constructed from the initial letters of the main words in a
Jun 17, 2004 . Is the rule always the same for all acronyms or are there variations? . In the
An acronym is an abbreviation that is typically made up of the first letter or letters
Acronym Finder: Index of acronyms and abbreviations starting with. . Add
Jul 27, 2011 . Examples of Acronyms - Definition of 'Examples of Acronyms' from our glossary of
An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of a name or by combining
Acronym examples: . <acronym title="World Wide Web">. WWW</acronym>. .
Pseudo-acronyms, which consist of a sequence of characters that, when
(a) = acronym in the example: SARS – (a) Severe acute respiratory syndrome: (i)
Mar 11, 2000 . Acronyms are a technique for memorizing lists of things. The concept is so simple
Readers should understand common acronyms like USA, U.N., or even PC, but if
Example. An acronym is marked up as follows: Can I get this <acronym title="as
Acronym Examples. A search for "ECE" would return: ECE - Electrical and
The Fun With Acronyms trope as used in popular culture, with a list of examples
For example: NASA is an acronym created from the phrase "National Aeronautics
Apr 22, 2009 . Do not use periods when searching CAS abbreviations or acronyms . Examples
See the entry for Acronyms in Grammar Monster's list of grammar terms and .
here's a cool one did u know "laser" is an acronym? it stands for: Light Amplified by the. Stimulated Emission of. Radiation ok, its pretty lame, but wth .
Examples of the ACRONYM tag in HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0.
Note that abbreviations and acronyms often have idiosyncratic pronunciations.
Recursive acronyms are not limited to computing terminology. For example:
Jul 25, 2006 . For example: <abbr title="association">assoc.</abbr>. Theoretically two groups
In today's automotive world, acronym meanings can be very frustrating and
The well-known fiction that posh is an acronym, for example, seems to have
Apr 8, 2010 . We've debated free here on Acronym before, but often without many association
Example for Checkpoint 4.2 - Specify the expansion of each abbreviation or
The <acronym> tag was used to define acronyms in HTML 4.01. An acronym can
An acronym is an abbreviation that uses the beginning parts of each word in a
Jun 1, 2004 . Acronym examples: NASA, NATO and WYSIWYG. . Well, they are initialisms,
XML Acronym Demystifier Example. A very simple example to search for XML
Acronym Finder: FIRES stands for Facts, Incidents, Reasons, Examples, and
Example 3: Using the acronym element to expand an acronym. Example Code: <