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Feb 4, 2009 . abridged dictionary. This is a severely abridged dictionary. It appears to contain
Top questions and answers about Abridged Dictionary. Find 8 questions and
Sometimes lengthy textbooks are abridged down to a dictionary version, where
Prisma's Abridged English-Swedish and Swedish-English Dictionary . The
An Abridged Dictionary. FAN ZHONG surgery [n.] There is an image of Tomas in
This abridgement is necessary to get the perfect size for an everyday, desktop
Dynamics. Pianissimo (pp) - very soft. Piano (p) - soft. Mezzo piano (mp) -
MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of abridge and a memory aid (called
Jan 27, 1973 . Abridged Dictionary of the TMRC Language. The words defined in this dictionary
abridged - Translation English-Italian : Find the translation of abridged, but also
May 27, 2010 . Super-abridged Dictionary - download at 4shared. Super-abridged Dictionary is
a·bridge ( -br j ). tr.v. a·bridged, a·bridg·ing, a·bridg·es. 1. To reduce the length of (
Dictionaries or lexicons whether an unabridged dictionary or an abridged
verb (used with object), a·bridged, a·bridg·ing. 1. to shorten by omissions while
First Abridged Unapproved Dictionary of Scientologese. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H
Gerhard Kittel (1888-1948) was the Former Professor of New Testament both at
07-02-08-2b. Understanding and Using a Dictionary. Here is some detailed
a·bridg·ment also a·bridge·ment ( -br j m nt). n. 1. The act of abridging or the state
What is the abridged and unabridged dictionary? Abridged is shortened, and
AN ABRIDGED DICTIONARY. of the TMRC LANGUAGE. ---The words defined in
Abridged means shortened, but that does not always mean bad. An abridged
Aug 8, 2011 . The English-Amharic-English (eAe) Abridged Dictionary has 2000 words and
Includes timelines, birthdays, essays, links, contact information, and gift shop.
abridge verb - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for abridge
a·bridge ( -br j ). tr.v. a·bridged, a·bridg·ing, a·bridg·es. 1. To reduce the length of (
An abridged dictionary does not have all of the words of the language in it; it does
Definition of abridge : So the editor wants to cut your epic 800-page history of the
abridged synonyms, antonyms, English dictionary, English language, definition,
Abridgment definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with
Abridged dictionaries, often called desk dictionaries, list 150000 to 250000 words
Abridged Dictionary of Parlimentary Terms. Adjournment to a Day Certain -
Title, An abridged dictionary of the English-Lithuanian languages. Author, Peter
Sep 17, 2009 . Cookbook.gif, You acquire an item: abridged dictionary. Occurred at The
An abridged dictionary of Chinese Ming Tomb structures.
How to use abridge in a sentence. Example sentences with the .
An abridged series is an animation--typically a movie, tv show, or video game--
Dictionary, Talatinigan, Tagalog, English, Translation, human translation,
Jan 20, 2007 . THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION'S DICTIONARY is, by anyone's measure, a
abridge a dictionary by omitting rare/uncommon words — see also unabridged. 2
Aug 16, 2008 . This is a translation of a translation of Paul d'Holbach's brilliant satire Theologie
not abridged or shortened, as a book. noun. 2. a dictionary that has not been
a archaic : deprive b : to reduce in scope : diminish <attempts to abridge the right
I'm trying to find a dictionary file just like this one, except with only 100 to 1000 of
Nov 7, 2009 . Equine Multilingual Abridged Dictionary by Jean-Claude Boulet: The "Equine
Prisma's Abridged Dictionary. Prisma's Abridged Dictionary. Item# 1000. $29.95.
Covers everything related to horses . Farriery, coats, training, feeding, health,
abridge - Definition of abridge - online dictionary powered by
Steelers Mike Webster's abridged dictionary started and ended with same word.
The Club had given me the position of "Public Relations Committee" and it was