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I've heard alcohol and tobacco companies fund the Above The Influence ads. I
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Above The Influence teaches children marijuana would make them melt . . [
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I don't get high, life keep me at a decent height . answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20111201165931AAi3d3v - CachedWhat are some good drug free sayings? - Yahoo! AnswersI'm above the influence . What page in the Mein Kampf is this quote on? . What
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Nov 12, 2008 . ok.. no more "above the influence" quotes. theyre not inspirational. some people
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Lil Wayne is {the King,a Legend,a Super Star, the Best Rapper Alive,F. ing
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I was above the influence, not this shit paid for by the alcohol and cigarette
Feb 27, 2011 . Above the influence commercial. . Quote from: Sirrus on February 27, 2011, 08:
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Nov 22, 2010 . Above the influence quotes? ChaCha Answer: Death is nothing; but to live
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Oct 20, 2010 . 1 person liked this quote by Vernon Scott: 'I am not above the influence, I am not
May 10, 2011 . I'm not above the influence. I'm not below the influence. I am the influence. 0
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This is the time when you define yourself or you let others define you. You quickly
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The Funniest Above the Influence commercial ever! . What does that girl's bra
For example, take that Above the Influence commercial with all the kids saying