Other articles:
May 1, 2005 . Overall 62246 60387 1859 3.08%. Source: 2003-04 AAUP salary survey. 2.
Schools 80 - 90 . 3. The salary survey appears in the summer issue of the AAUP's Bulletin which is
AAUP Survey. American Association of University Professors Annual Salary
The AAUP Salary Survey: Comments and Suggestions. Richard A. Lester. The
The AAUP's faculty compensation survey, the Annual Report on the Economic
Feb 16, 2011 . The overall increase in salary level, reported on the left side of survey report table
Apr 9, 2012 . This academic year is the third in a historic low period for full-time faculty salaries,
Salaries General Data and Report Sources on the Professoriate . AAUP Faculty
Using data the college has supplied annually to the federal government as well
To check whether or not the gross pay on the March 16 paycheck matches the
Click on any of the links below to perform a new search. Title: The AAUP Salary
May 26, 2011 . Please note that UCSF was not included in the October 2010 AAUP faculty salary
Source: AAUP Faculty Salary Survey Posted at http://chronicle.com/stats/aaup.
Apr 12, 2012 . Two weeks after the publication of an attack on professors for not working
4. Average Class Size and Size Distribution 5. IPEDS Finance Survey 6. IPEDS
List. Rank. Institution name. St. AAUP. Cat. Affil./. Control. Avg. Sal. No. Avg. Sal.
AAUP Faculty Salary Survey Rating Table. AAUP publishes annually a rating
Jan 2, 2012 . Commentary and Explanation of 2010-2011 Salary Survey here . for 2010-2011
. committee, AAUP committee on faculty salaries and Ralph Scales retirement. .
May 17, 2009 . The salaries are reported in thousands of dollars and are rounded to the nearest
Apr 23, 2007 . One piece of important information that you should have before entering into
Any comments on just how accurate are the salary estimates on the AAUP/
This is the official CWU Institutional Research website.www.cwu.edu/~ir/aaupSalarySurvey.php - CachedTwitter / AAUP: AAUP salary survey: overal . AAUP salary survey: overall average salary for FT faculty rose 1.8%, well short of
. Institution: Campus Crime Stats, Peer Groups, Report Lists, Parent Survey .
Congratualtions to the newly elected RIT AAUP officers. . The survey inquires
Recently-released AAUP Salary Survey shows FAU languishing behind Florida
Apr 9, 2012 . An annual survey of faculty salaries being released today by the . of,” said John
AAUP conducts an annual salary survey which includes data on tenure track and
Jul 14, 2010 . No Refuge: The Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession, 2009-
Average Annual Salary by Academic Rank (in thousands) 2008-09: AAUP
Reference: Higher Education: AAUP Releases 2011-2012 Faculty Salary Survey.
AAUP Syracuse Chapter, AAUP Syracuse Section, American Association of
Our salary survey is out! The authoritative source of data on faculty salaries and
salary scales. Similar increases were re- ported for the other grades.
Salary surveys like the AAUP's are very useful for making the case for making my
The body of the report, which contains tabulations of salary data, is distributed on
NAME: AAUP Faculty Salary data TYPE: Census (mostly) SIZE: 1161 colleges, .
Apr 12, 2012 . Two weeks after the publication of an attack on professors for not working
University of Oregon AAUP Salary Survey for 2010-11. Sarah Douglas, Computer
Apr 9, 2012 . Source: AAUP faculty salary survey. Two-year institutions with and without
The AAUP's faculty compensation survey, the Annual Report on the Economic
23, Source: American Association of University Professors (AAUP) annual salary
Fall 2006 KSU Shared Governance Survey Results (here). KSU Faculty and
Data sets : AAUP Faculty Salary Survey . etschste, Created at: Mar 16 2010.
The chapter should continue its education with bulletins or newsletters
2011/2012 CUPA-HR Salary Surveys . AAUP Faculty Salary Data, 2010-11 .
May 3, 2012 . The AAUP's most recent survey, for the 2011-12 fiscal year, collected salary
Apr 9, 2012 . 2012 Faculty Salary Survey . The AAUP classifies institutions as doctoral,
Academe Magazine. Another publication. Faculty compensation information or