Sep 30, 14
Other articles:
  • www.hillcountryscte.org/callb4udig.html‎Cached811 will not replace 1-800-DIG TESS. It is simply an additional means for
  • jdabrams.com/documents/digtess.pdf‎CachedSimilarDec 19, 2008 . 4 DIG TESS joins NASCAR to promote 811. 5 DIG TESS Profiles. 13 Damage
  • https://www.texasgasservice.com/en/Safety/CallBeforeYouDig.aspx‎CachedSimilarAnyone digging in the vicinity of a pipeline should use the free 811 one-call
  • online.taylortel.net/corporate/index.php?cat_id. ‎CachedSimilarRemember to call Dig Tess (1-800-DIG-TESS/1-800-344-8377 or dial 811) at
  • www.lamarelectric.coop/index.php?option=com. 5‎Cacheddig-tess.jpg Call Before You Dig is a free service that locates your underground
  • www.bigcountry.net/content/locating-underground-utility-lines‎CachedDigTESS will visit your site and mark any underground lines, even those that do
  • www.amarillo.gov/?page_id=1237‎CachedSimilarCall before you dig is a free service that locates underground utilities, such as
  • publicworks.longviewtexas.gov/call-before-you-dig‎CachedSimilarThe City of Longview is a member of Texas 811 and encourages you to call 811
  • www.karnesec.org/Default.aspx?p=CallBeforeYouDig‎CachedKarnes Electric Cooperative, Inc. is a member of the Texas Excavation Safety
  • https://www.facebook.com/pages/. 811-Dig-Tess/145075882179363‎CachedSimilarTexas 811 (Dig Tess). 2 likes. Company. . Texas 811 (Dig Tess). Privacy · Terms
  • www.callokie.com/‎CachedSimilarOklahoma One-Call System, Inc. Dial 811 | or 1 (800) 522-OKIE. Start Web Ticket
  • nm811.org/eticketform/‎CachedSimilar(If dig site is located within the boundaries of a city, town, village, etc) Rural . If
  • https://agctx.org/private/dpsummit2.pdf‎CachedMost AGC of Texas members will recognize Texas811 by the informal brand that
  • www.lonestar811.com/‎CachedSimilarLone Star 811 provides all-inclusive one-call and damage prevention services for
  • www.arkonecall.com/‎CachedSimilarArkansas One Call is the state-wide call before you dig center for excavation in
  • texas811.flex360.com/additional-information‎CachedAnswer: 811 will not replace 1-800-DIG-TESS. The One .
  • tx-navasota.civicplus.com/DocumentView.asp?DID=66‎CachedCALL BEFORE YOU DIG. • Call 811 - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Using the
  • www.texas811.org/‎CachedSimilarIf you need additional assistance please email info@texas811.org and we will
  • www.centerpointenergy.com/services/. /callbeforeyoudig/TX/‎CachedSimilarHomeowners and contractors who are going to undertake projects involving
  • www.kingslandmud.com/KMUD%20Newsletter04-10.pdf‎CachedDec 27, 1972 . still staffed by the employees of the Texas Excavation Safety System. . Call DIG-
  • www.laonecall.com/‎CachedSimilarto help you dig safely. We alert our members so that they can mark nearby
  • www.cctexas.com/government/gas/call-before-you-dig/index‎CachedSimilarClick here to enter the required information about your excavation at least 2
  • www.brazosnet.com/telephone/TexasOneCallSystem.php‎CachedDial. Before You Dig Call before you dig 1-800-dig-tess (800) 344-8377. Texas
  • www.sourcegas.com/UserFiles/File/coloringbook.pdf‎CachedSimilar811 is the number you should call before you begin any digging project. By
  • www.callbeforeyoudig.org/awpa-color-code.asp‎CachedSimilarPermanently Marking Underground Facilities. The following recommendations
  • www.call811.com/‎CachedSimilarCall811 is the source for safe digging. Professional excavators as well as DIYers
  • www.pec.coop/dig-tess.aspx‎CachedPEC's underground utility lines carry enough electricity to seriously injure or even
  • www.victoriaelectric.coop/callbeforeyoudig‎CachedSimilarDIG TESS (Texas811) 1-800-344-8377 or 811. Hours of operation are 24-hours a
  • nm811.info/contact.php‎CachedStatewide: Dial 811 or (866) DIG-NMOC (344-6662) 24 Hours a day 7 Days a
  • www.kansasonecall.com/‎CachedSimilarWelcome to Kansas One-Call. To continue, please identify yourself as one of the
  • www.tcectexas.com/callbeforeyoudig.htm‎CachedSimilarIf you plan to do any type of digging or excavating CALL 1-800-DIG-TESS and
  • activerain.trulia.com/blogsview/3692982/stop---don-t-dig-there-‎CachedApr 13, 2013 . Call BEFORE you dig! Buried utility lines can cause not only a headache, but a
  • ntepsnetwork.com/. /Pipeline%20Safety%20Presentation.ppt‎CachedSimilarMaking TESS the largest one call center by volume in the nation! Excavator
  • texas811.blogspot.com/‎CachedSimilarOct 12, 2012 . Texas811 is exactly that, Texas' “Call before you dig” option. . . This encouraged
  • www.wcec.org/index.php/consumer-safety-and-tips/texas-811/‎CachedSafe digging means calling 811 before each job to get your utility lines . still dial
  • www.atmosenergy.com/811‎CachedWhy Call 811 Before You Dig? Nearly 60 percent of all incidents on utility
  • www.in.gov/oucc/2380.htm‎CachedSimilarIt's the law, and 811 makes it easier than ever! Call (or Click) Before You Dig!
  • /KCFC%20Civil%202-4-14.pdf‎CachedTEXAS811 (Dig TESS). CALL BEFORE YOU DIG!!! 1-800-344-8377 www.digtess
  • www.azbluestake.com/index.asp?page=content-other-centers‎CachedSimilarCall Before You Dig 1-800-922-4455 . http://www.callbeforeyoudig.org/ Opens
  • www.nmonecall.org/‎CachedSimilarNM811.org . Latest From New Mexico 811 Magazine: . Doing the Right Thing ·
  • texas.811magazines.com/dig-tess-newsline/‎CachedSimilarDIG TESS Board President, Lance Andrews presided over the 2008 DIG TESS
  • www.garagejournal.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-46218.html‎CachedI started noticing 811 signs replacing the 1-800-DIG-TESS signs. And then I
  • www.onecalltexas.com/?page_id=124‎CachedIf you need utility lines marked or located, you can call the statewide number 811
  • www.news-journal.com/. digging. /article_58fb1726-117d-5060-80ed- 0349602ba2bd.htmlApr 26, 2013 . By calling 811, homeowners are connected to either Dig Tess or Lone Star
  • www.georgia811.com/links.aspx‎CachedSimilarNational Call Before You Dig Information www.call811. . Other. Locate Rodeo (
  • wtls.tsl.state.tx.us/seminole/pipeline. /811-call-before-you-dig.html‎CachedOne-Call-Center: dial 811 anywhere from the United States before you dig or
  • amarillo.com/stories/042907/new_7396528.shtml‎CachedApr 29, 2007 . But it's a good idea to call before you dig by whatever means, said Lee Marrs,
  • www.digsafe.com/. /Excavator%20Manual%20Feb%2018%202010.pdf‎CachedSimilarJul 21, 2009 . Rhode Island and Vermont. Dig Safe System, Inc. It's Smart. It's Free. It's the Law.
  • www.killeentexas.gov/index.php?controller=news. 811. dig‎CachedSimilarWhen you call 811, all relevant utility companies are contacted within 48 hours .
  • www.oncor.com/EN/Pages/Construction-Safety.aspx‎CachedSimilarJust one simple call to 811 before digging can keep you and your family from

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