Other articles:
Dec 2, 2010 . The Dev-Team is warning about a potential issue with ultrasn0w for iOS 4.2.1 on
Oct 21, 2011 . This is because when you upgrade to 06.15.00 baseband can be downgraded to
any problem after upgrade base band to 6.15.00 . solve safari problems in
Dec 9, 2010 . Users who had to face problems from the new unlockable baseband 6.15.00 on
Dec 5, 2010 . 136 Responses to Unlocking iPhone After Updating Baseband To 06.15.00
i got a 3Gs 8gb with 4.1 installed so i updated and jailbroken it on 4.2.1 with
Fix The iPhone Baseband 6.15.00 GPS Issue Please - Baseband 6.15.00
Sep 21, 2011 . So that, it's highly expected that downgrade 6.15.00 baseband to fix GPS
I have a iPhone 3GS 4.2.1 baseband 6.15.00 the problem is that the imei and the
Sep 18, 2011 . Long ago, the iPhone Dev-team didn't announce any news regarding downgrade
4 days ago . If you are experiencing battery drain after installing ultrasn0w 1.2 on baseband
Oct 18, 2011 . Fix location services issue iPhone 3GS 06.15.00 baseband with iOS 5 firmware
Jan 17, 2011 . If you have an iPhone 3G on baseband 06.15.00 and you are unlocked . For
My iPhone 3GS iOS 5.0.1 with iPad baseband tethered jailbreak and
Hi guys, I am currently using an iphone 3gs with baseband 6.15.00. . to reflash
May 23, 2011 . MuscleNerd Tweet Response Downgrade iPad Baseband 06.15.00 to . it seems
May 13, 2011 . Later, I wanted to preserve this baseband of 6.15.00 on my iPhone . .. hi there I
Sep 22, 2011 . So that, it's highly expected that downgrade 6.15.00 baseband to fix GPS
Apr 9, 2011 . Update#1: Fix iPhone 3GS (iPad Baseband) Battery Life Issues on iOS . . By the
Sep 20, 2011 . How to unlock iPhone 3GS baseband 6.15.00 . . However, the issue I am having
Cannot Restore 4.2.1 6.15.00 base band. Need help. History. Guys, im having a
4 days ago . iPhone 3GS with baseband 5.14.02, 5.15.05, 5.16.02 and 5.16.05 . It needs to
-You will be stuck on the 6.15.00 baseband forever :smileysad: If after this you
Size Comparison of iPhone 3GS Baseband Chip with 50 Cents Coin and iPhone.
The current supported baseband versions for 3G/3GS for this unlock tool are 4.26
May 24, 2011 . Hi, please send me an email on the release method to down grade the base
I have just run the program the baseband 6.15.00 no problems i've only done this
If you have updated your iPhone 3G(S) baseband to iPad baseband 06.15.00 in
Oct 18, 2011 . The iPhone-dev team has just released Redsn0w 0.9.9b6 which fixes Location
Does anyone use the 6.15.00 baseband unlock successfully with TW? Mystery 1
Fix The iPhone Baseband 6.15.00 GPS Issue Please - Baseband 6.15.00
Jul 12, 2011 . 6.15 Baseband Will Break Your iPhone -- Read this before you unlock . time
How to downgrade iPad 6.15 . 00 baseband installed on jailbroken iPhone 3GS
The trick is to create a new baseband (06.15.00) and then unlock it instead of
3gs Baseband 06.15.00 upgrade; IOS 4.xx or 5 issues Thread Unlocking |
Read this Howto: restore iPhone 3G, 3GS running 6.15.00 BB - Hackint0sh, and
How to fix and enhance iPhone 3GS battery life after jailbreaking it on iOS 4.3.3
Downgrade 6.15.00 Baseband Task Will Start After Releasing 2.10.04 Unlock .
As a last resort, try reseting the iPhone. It should say how to do this in the
Apr 10, 2011 . Dev-Team Working on Downgrade Baseband 06.15.00 to 05.13.04 . to be
Redsn0w & 6.15.00 Baseband problems! iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting
May 6, 2011. with newer basebands, instead, it only fixes the compatibility issues on the .
Nov 30, 2011 . Iphone 3G/3Gs Baseband Downgrader 6.15.00 to 5.13.04 . This will fix GPRS/
We hope to hear other good news before the end of the year – Fix for the GPS
While we are surfing Tweets of the famous iPhone hacker MuscleNerd , we we
It would br great to be able to downgrade BB to fix GPS problem! . Before You
Sep 18, 2011 . As Limera1n.cc points out, it's most probably the solution to downgrade 6.15.00
Concerning downgrade baseband 6.15.00 to 5.13.04 to fix GPS problem on