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Dec 14, 2010 . HIS Radeon HD 6950 is a new option in the $300 upper midrange graphics card
NCIX is Canada's premier online computer store where you can buy online
Hi, guy's I've found a good deal on an Asus 5850 directCU Top, I can get it for a lil
Sapphire 5850 Extreme Crossfire VS GTX 560 TI/HD6950 1GB System Builder's
Feb 17, 2011 . 6950 Unlocked, Overclocked (1030MHz/1425MHz) (+28.75%/+14%) - Compared
He is correct, B0rin from these forums did an "upgrade" from a 5850 to a 6950
5850x4, $644, Limited, 1360, 1.94, 2.11. 5850x6, $996, Limited, 2130. 5870x2,
how much more of a performance boost will i see with the 6950 compared to the
So I have had the 5850 for over a year now and I was thinking about upgrading
Based on statistics, I think my card needs some pretty heavy overclocking to
you can t crossfire a 5850 with a 6870 or 6950. sell your sole get a 6990 or hd
And what about dual 5850s? would i prefer them or a sexy 6950? Thanks for your
Jul 13, 2011 . Pyrit cracking wpa2 aes with ati 5850 + ati 6950. Nikitoxpsico. Subscribe
AMD Radeon HD 5850 - 725MHz/4000MHz. vs. AMD Radeon HD 6950 -
Advice needed: 5850x2 vs. 6950 (gaming) Graphics Cards.
have 3 x 1220 x 1900 monitors and want to up add another one (for total of 4
Agreed the 6950 a seriously powerful card but they need a costly psu, (quality
Well, I was think on getting rid of my Sapphire HD 5850 and going to a HD 6950
2x ati 5850 or just one ati 6950.thanks. Chrs4086 is offline . The 2 5850s will be
HD5850 vs HD6950, Monitor & Video Cards, Get help with the computer
At the end of the day - I can pick up a second hand 5850 for about £100, a new
stick with 4850, get 5850, or just get 6950? so right now on newegg they have the
CF5850 or 1 6950 ? Hardware and Operating Systems.
Page 2- AMD HD 5850 to AMD HD 6950 @ 2560x1600 Mini-Review Video
. Radeon HD 6850, Radeon HD 6870, Radeon HD 6950, Radeon HD 6950
Mar 27, 2011 . My brothers 3870x2(or whatever the 2gpu variant was), my buddies 5770, .
Is a say MSI twin frozen or any 6950 2048mb better, worse or same as 2x 5850's
Recently purchased two Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 5850 Extreme 1024MB
The 5850's have served me well for almost 2 years now, but I'm starting to get
Add another 5850 or upgrade to 6950? Videocards - AMD - ATI.
May 11, 2011 . Recently, I just bought a Sapphire 5850 Xtreme edition from newegg for about
Apr 14, 2011 . Sapphire Roundup - Radeon 6950 fleX, 6870 fleX, 5850 Xtreme, 5830 . XFX
So i have a 5850 already and just got eyefinity. I need an upgrade for 5670x1080
May 24, 2011 . Well this is a no-brainer -- for significantly less cost, the 5850 has roughly
5850 vs 6950. [img] [Image: img20110528235635.jpg] Uploaded with
Switching it up to 4xAA and it was much better. In fact, the 6950 did not lose any
As the price of the above 2 items are roughly the same right now, which is a
Are my two 5850's running at stock speeds going to be faster than one single
Sep 5, 2011 . As the title suggests , ive been offered a 6950 this is from a friend whos
May 12, 2011 . I'm able to get a reference 6950 1gb for $160 or a GTX 470 for $180. If I'm able to
Jan 25, 2011 . NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti Versus AMD Radeon HD 6950 1GB . ATI Radeon
with BF3 coming out soon, i'm completely undecided on what to do, I'm a tad
5850 vs 6950. . Well this is a no-brainer -- for significantly less cost, the 5850
5850/70 cooler layout vs 6950/70 cooler layout ATi Technologies.
However, right now i've heard that a 5850CF can beat a 6950 single card. Point
Opinions on 5850 CF or 6950 (2gb) Video Cards and Graphics.
For GTX560 Ti vs HD5850, is the difference big or small? *. Should be big..but
Help me building a new PC - 5850 vs 6950 vs 6970.
Dec 11, 2011 . The Radeon HD 6950 will be just a bit (more or less 10%) more effective at FSAA
Hello, I have a ASUS P7H55-M PRO motherboard running a Intel Core i5-650