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The filing deadline for filing the Form 5500 Series is the last day of the 7th month
26 participants). 4/30/2011. However, if plan has 100 or fewer participants during
The filing deadline for Form 5500 depends on the plan year under which the 403(
Jul 13, 2011 . In 2011, July 31st falls on a Sunday, so the deadline is moved to the . Form
Filing due dates (for plan years beginning in): 2011 | 2010 | 2009 . Does an IRS
IRS Form 5500 Deadline. Posted by Aaron Juckett on Wed, Jul 27, 2011. Email
Apr 1, 2011 . For calendar year plans (such as the Uni-K) the filing due date for the 2010 Form
August Deadline for New IRS Form 8955-SSA. 4/13/2011 Anthony J. Kolenic.
2/10/2011. Employers: Deferred due date for Form 941, if timely deposits were
Mar 28, 2011 . Calendar Year Plans Need to File Form 5500 by August 1, 2011 . For retirement
filing date of the 2010 Form 5500 or (2) August 1, 2011 (the plan's regular filing
Jun 22, 2011 . In an IRS Employee Plans Newsletter released on June 21, 2011, the IRS . The
5500; extension up to 2― months after the normal due date. Not required if filer
This Tax Calendar shows the due dates for filing tax returns and reporting tax . if
in 2009 and for 2010 plan years ending before April 1, 2011. . Form 5500
Form 5500 Alert: Filing Deadline Extended for New Form 8955-SSA . expected
Form 5500, Annual Return/Report of Employee Benefit Plan, Pension and . The
Oct 20, 2011 . The October 31, 2011 extension date also includes Form 5500 filing . area, but
In this case, October 15, 2011 is a Saturday; therefore, the actual due date is .
Fully extended deadline for Form 5500, Form 5500-EZ and Form 5500-SF.
For plan years ending after March 31, 2011, the due date for Form 8955-SSA will
The Schedule SSA was formerly part of the annual Form 5500, used to notify the
Sep 12, 2011 . This extension applies to Forms 5500 that had a due date for filing after August
For example, in 2011, July 31st falls on a Sunday so the due date becomes
Jul 23, 2010 . Typically, Form 5500 reports must be filed by the last day of the 7th calendar . by
May 26, 2010 . This year, plans with a July 31 deadline for filing the Form 5500 have . Therefore
Form 5500 Annual Returns/Reports of Employee Benefit Plan and all Form . For
2011 Form 5500 is not available before the plan or DFE filing use the 2010 Form
COMPLIANCE CALENDAR. Deadline. Sample Date for. 1/1 Anniversary. Plans .
This communication was delivered due to an error in the Form 5500 2009 .
the normal due date of Form 5500 series, and/or Form 8955-SSA for which this .
JULY 31, 2011 - Due date for the Form 5500 Retirement Plan return for calendar
year plans. If your plan is not a calendar year plan and you'd like to confirm due
IRS Form 5500 for defined benefit plans are due 7 months after the end of the
When Is IRS Form 5500 Due?thumbnail There is no set date on which all
This tax calendar has the due dates for 2011 tions. . .. 5500-EZ. These employee
15 hours ago . 5500 filing deadline 2011, form 5500 filing deadline, form 5500 filing deadline
May 31, 2011 . Thereafter, such 2009 and 2010 plan year filings should be due by the due date,
If the plan year ends 1/14/2011, what is the due date for the 5500? What is the
form) has the same filing due date that applies to the Form 5500. In order to
1 day ago. that they put off the deadline for filing the Form 5500 and 5500SF for the 2009
Intranet site, if Form 5500 was filed with DOL on 10/15/2010. 1/15/11. Quarterly
? Forms 5500 must generally be filed by the last day of . the deadline is August
Form 5500 Schedule MB Posting. 1/31/11. • Form W-2. • Form 1099-R. • Form
This tax calendar has the due dates for 2011 that most taxpayers will need.
2011 Deadlines for CY Plan (unless otherwise noted) .
Jan 1, 2009 . draft Form 8955-SSA, and IRS Revenue Procedure 2011-31 allow plan . to the
added to the 2011 Form W-2 to report . subject to ERISA, the Form 5500-EZ is .
2011 Reporting & Disclosure Calendar for Multiemployer Plans .
2011 Important Deadlines for Calendar Year Plans. Deadline. Action.