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Reliable information about marijuana and its effects based on research and
Take the cake - the meaning and origin of this saying. . In 420 BC the Greek
It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Lionel is "lion". . Lionel is a very popular
Meaning of 420 is 4:20 or 4/20 is the consumption of cannabis. . The differing
Apr 20, 2010 . 420 Meaning - National Marijuana Day or Hitler's Birthday? . Matter of fact, there
Jun 7, 2006 . The definition of 420 is slang for marijuana. Click here to check out the origin and
420 Day Meaning & Origin? Holidays. . There are many myths and legends
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What does 420 mean? There are varying theories on the origin of 420. Some say
Apr 19, 2011 . Urban Legends: 420 Meaning, Origins, and History - 420 is a universal symbol
The 420 origin is a much debated topic among the marijuana community. . The
There are many theories about how 420 started. It is hard to point out its real
Rainy Day Women #12 And #35 by Bob Dylan song meaning, lyric interpretation,
Origins. The earliest use of the term began among a group of . "I believe 420 is a
Apr 20, 2010 . 420 Meaning - Origin of the Term 420 and 420 Quotes (VIDEO) · Bonnaroo 2010
May 20, 2009 . What 420 Means: The True Story Behind Stoners' Favorite Number . The origin
Some say that 420 originated from a police code that announces marijuana use
Jun 13, 2008 . Did '420' enter drug parlance as a term meaning the time to light up a joint? .
Apr 20, 2003 . High Times explains origin, meaning of 420 (420.com), divider line, 208 . I
420 Campaign: Strategy for Legalization archive of related articles; What 420
What is the meaning of two numbers 786 & 420. . the term 420 originated at San
Feb 11, 2002 . This is from some phish website re meaning of 420--this should . that the origin
Apr 20, 2010. clear up the facts about 4/20 while pondering its meaning for California. . (and
Apr 19, 2010 . The meaning of 4 20: Four Twenty has come to be synonymous with pot smoking
See the definition of 420 "420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971,
Apr 19, 2011 . 420 is “Weed Day” and the number is actually the date of 4 - 20, which is the day
Apr 20, 2010 . Earlier we posted about the 420 meaning and a cannabis university for National
420's origin IS known. the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in
The origin of the term 420, celebrated around the world by pot smokers every
the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of
Find words with this meaning on The Online Slang Dictionary's slang thesaurus (
Apr 19, 2011 . Origin of the term 420, celebrated around the world smoking marijuana every 20
What Does '420' Mean? 420 drug term meaning and origin for smoking pot. Why
420: Marijuana Day: How Did '420' Gets Its Meaning? Updated: Wednesday, 20
Video link:online-video-buzz.info to watch full video420 drug term meaning origin
Origins of Fourtwenty/420 Day. Where did it all begin ? Why 420 ? Origins ? - . ..
Oct 22, 2011 . 420, 4:20 or 4/20 refers to consumption of cannabis and, by extension, a way to
Whats the real meaning of 4/20,is it really something to celebrate? . A group
And 4 20 and Pulp Fiction what are 420 origins and what does 420 friendly mean
The meaning and history of first names. . France, ranked #415. Ireland, ranked #
Click here to check out the origin and the definition of 420. Let's start this again, “
Apr 11, 2005 . Most pot-smokers would probably accept as fact that 420 originated in San .
(I think it's 420 but am not sure) correct b. What is the practical meaning of the
Apr 20, 2011 . While there is one technically true meaning behind the day (and thus the . . 420
Jun 7, 2006 . There are many myths and legends about where exactly the 420 meaning
Apr 19, 2010 . Tuesday is April 20th, also known as 4/20, and a day of celebration for the stoner
420 is a favorite number for a variety of reasons, but colloquially the number says