Other articles:
Jul 7, 2011 . Detail of a Metro map with recommended routes around the 405 closure. . the
Jul 13, 2011 . The historic 405 shutdown is just days away. What are some of the best Los
Jul 15, 2011. as transit crews begin to close a key stretch of the 405 Freeway during the. .
May 29, 2011 . Warning motorists of potentially massive delays, transportation officials last week
Jul 13, 2011 . If you live in Los Angeles, you know that this weekend the 405 freeway will be
Jul 16, 2011 . Photo / Exif. Mulholland Overpass, 405 Shutdown, Carmageddon . Date and
Jul 16, 2011 . Complete coverage of the 405 freeway closure during July 16-18. . Create a
All about the 405 Freeway Shutdown in Los Angeles during the weekend of June
May 16, 2011. at midnight on July 15 the San Diego (405) Freeway will be shut down in . to
Jun 6, 2011 . The nightmare, of course, is when the 405 is going to be shut down . Use an
Jun 30, 2011. 10 miles of the 405 Freeway in Los Angeles are shut down from the evening of
Jul 12, 2011 . Flying to LAX? A 10 mile stretch of the 405 Freeway (a major artery for many
Jul 14, 2011 . 405 Carmageddon is the name Los Angeles residents are giving the inevitable .
Jul 13, 2011 . Map showing I-405 shutdown carmagedden. . Metrolink will supplement its
Jul 17, 2011. some 18 hours ahead of schedule on Sunday, bringing an early end to a .
Today's Closures, Date Posted . Add a 10-mile HOV lane on the northbound I-
Jun 24, 2011 . News: L.A. prepares for I-405 'Carmageddon' shutdown | metro, metrolink .
Jul 13, 2011 . Date: 7/13/2011 12:04:35 PM. Subject: Re: 405 Closure details. Message: The
Jun 25, 2011. are expressing alarm over plans to shut down the 405 Freeway through the .
July shutdown of 405 Freeway will affect drivers across the region. 2011-06-09 /
May 14, 2011 . The entire San Diego (405) Freeway will be shut down between the San
Jul 5, 2011 . Silent and waiting for its execution date in mid-July, the bridge is rarely .
Jul 16, 2011. period in which part of Los Angeles' busy i-405 freeway is shut down. .
Jul 7, 2011 . Los Angeles prepares for I-405 shutdownOverdrive MagazineTelevision
Jun 30, 2011 . The Mulholland Drive bridge over I-405 in Los Angeles is coming down, and .
Jul 12, 2011 . Construction has closed lanes of the 405 off and on for more than a year, but this
Jun 6, 2011 . The 405 Freeway will be shut down between the San Fernando . Weekend
May 31, 2011 . A 10-mile section of the 405 Freeway through the Sepulveda Pass is scheduled
Jun 9, 2011 . Bill Rosendahl warns L.A.'s Westside about the 405 freeway closure. . to shut
Jun 8, 2011 . Starting at 10 p.m. on July 15th, the CHP will shut down the 405 . Newsletter
Jun 6, 2011 . The 405 will be completely shut down in both directions between the 101 . ..
May 26, 2011 . Approximately 21 months will be required from the start date to . them aware of
Jun 24, 2011 . LAX advice for 405 Freeway shutdown: Avoid driving to or from the airport . time
Jul 15, 2011 . A 10-mile section of I-405 in Los Angeles was reopened shortly before noon
Jul 11, 2011 . Traffic flows under the Mulholland Bridge on Interstate 405 which is slated to be
Jul 6, 2011 . But in just over a week, 11 miles of Interstate 405 — the north-south spine . into
Jun 7, 2011 . One hour ago; Dates-Who pays? One hour ago . 405 shutdown - good luck - 3
Jul 18, 2011 . (KTLA) -- Carmageddon is over and the 405 freeway re-opened by noon Sunday,
LOS ANGELES - Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, county supervisors and other
Jul 14, 2011 . The shutdown is needed so workers can expand the highway -- a classic . A 10-
Jul 1, 2011 . Monday Program Schedule · Tuesday Program Schedule . recently referred to
WSDOT's Incident Response Teams will also patrol SR 520, I-405 and. I-5 to
Jun 10, 2011 . Activity, Closure/Notes, Work Hours, Projected Date. Water and Power .
Jul 13, 2011 . The colossal construction effort on the 405 freeway over the Sepulveda . It will
Jul 10, 2011 . Most of the dreaded 405 freeway, a nightmare under normal conditions except in
Jun 7, 2011 . Motorists warned about 'nightmare' of 405 closure . to shut down several miles
Jul 15, 2011 . Workers demolish the Mulholland Drive bridge along a closed portion of the 405
405 fwy scheduled shutdown . The 405 will be closed on July 16 & 17 from the
Jul 15, 2011 . A view facing north over Intersate 405 freeway from the Sunset Blvd overpass .
405 shutdown dates · 405 shutdown dates. Error retrieving data. Related