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Sep 23, 2009 . Short - haul Operations 100 air-mile radius driver 395.1(e)(1). Exempt from
You can look up the other requirement for the 100 air-mile rule under regulation
395.1Scope of rules in this part. (a) General. (1) The rules in this .
395.1(e)(2)? D. 14-HOUR DUTY PERIOD. D-1. May a driver be on duty for more
Guidance: The "mandatory information" referred to is the time records specified
to June 1, 1987; 395, general-except 395.1(e)(1), 395.1(h), 395.1(i) 395.5, 395.8,
Sep 23, 2011 . (FMCSR CFR 395.1(e)(2)). 1. Drive a maximum of 11 hours after coming on duty
Apr 1, 2011 . 395.1(e)(1) [100 air-mile radius], (g) [Sleeper Berths] and (o) [one 16-hour duty
Except as provided in this paragraph, a driver is exempt from the requirements of
Feb 1, 2011 . CMVs operating in interstate commerce using accurate and true time records to
Public transit agency carriers and their drivers operating in intrastate commerce
391.49 (j). • Record of Duty Status Ref. 395.8 (k)(2) [if not operating under short
395.1(e)(1)(ii). In these instances, drivers are required to retroactively complete
395.1, Scope of rules in this part. TEXT, PDF, 395.2, Definitions. TEXT, PDF,
395.1(e)(1)(iii) and (v) are met. If a driver is not released from duty within 12
Except as provided in this paragraph, a driver is exempt from the requirements of
(1) The Washington state patrol hereby adopts the following parts of Title 49 .
(g) With reference to Part 395.1(e)(1), motor carriers conducting intrastate
Trans 327.03(10) (10) Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, part 395, hours of
§395.1 Scope of rules in this part. (e) Short-haul operations. (e)(1) 100 air-
Feb 8, 2011 . All short-haul drivers that record their HOS using the timecard provision of 49
Summary of the 100 air-mile radius HOS provision in § 395.1(e)(1). The 100 air-
Helps meet the specific requirements of 49 CFR Section 395.1(e)(1); Designed
May drivers who work split shifts take advantage of the 100 air-mile radius
395.1(e)(1)(iii) and (v) are met. If a driver is not released from duty within 12
This is almost al- ways caused by a driver surpassing the 12- hour on-duty
1. Section 395.1(e)(1) does not absolve short-haul operators of all responsibility
be exempted from §395.3 and §395.8 and ineligible to use the provisions of §
Report and return to work reporting loca §395.1(e)(1) radius driver tion within 12
395.1(e)(1). A driver is exempt from completing the driver's daily log if all of the
Guidance: The “mandatory information” referred to is the time records specified
class vehicles (395.1(e)(2)). • Travel from one “normal work reporting location” to
This is from the fmcsa website and is found in 395.1 (e) Short-haul operations—(
Guidance: The "mandatory information" referred to is the time records specified
100 Air-Mile Radius Exemption (395.1(e)(1) A driver is exempt from maintaining
. other law enforcement purpose provided the driver continues to comply with 49
For the purpose of complying with the hours of service recordkeeping
Feb 4, 2010 . 395.1(e)(1). If the driver operates within a 100 air-mile radius of the normal work-
Jun 14, 2011 . by a driver surpassing the 12-hour on-duty threshold contained in § 395.1(e)(1)(ii
existing regulation or by replacing 49 CFR 395.1(e)(1)(ii) with “the driver is
May drivers who work split shifts take advantage of the 100 air-mile radius
The 100-air-mile radius driver provisions of. FMCSR 395.1(e)(1);. • The sleeper-
Mar 26, 2010 . 395.1(e)(1)(iii) and (v) are met. If a driver is not released from duty within 12
Drivers meeting these conditions are not eligible for the existing 100 air-mile
Simple, concise method of keeping track of hours worked for a four-month period;
1. Changes in This. Edition: Questions Added: E-8, H-1. Question Revised: A-19
1) 49 CFR 395.1(h) and 395.1(i) are deleted and not incorporated. 2) 49 CFR
Please see FMCSR Part 395.1(e)(1)(A) & (B) "Short-haul Operations" 100 air mile
Simple, concise method of keeping track of hours worked for a four-month period;
Mar 15, 2011 . All short-haul drivers who record their hours of service (HOS) using the timecard