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Please see FMCSR Part 395.1(e)(1)(A) & (B) "Short-haul Operations" 100 air mile
. after coming on duty following 10 consecutive hours off duty, except when a
Dec 30, 2003 . A driver operating under the 100 air-mile exception in § 395.1(e) may also meet
Sep 23, 2011 . (FMCSR CFR 395.1(e)(2)). 1. Drive a maximum of 11 hours after coming on duty
Except as provided in this paragraph, a driver is exempt from the requirements of
What is a "duty tour" as the term is used in Part § 395.1(o)? E-2. If a driver is "on
. those exemptions already contained in the FMCSRs nor to the extension of the
395.1, Scope of rules in this part. TEXT, PDF, 395.2, Definitions. TEXT, PDF,
Summary of the 100 air-mile radius HOS provision in § 395.1(e)(1). The 100 .
duty following 10 consecutive hours off duty, except when complying with section
Public transit agency carriers and their drivers operating in intrastate commerce
Apr 27, 2011 . Drivers who use the above-described Short-haul provision are not eligible to use
Referenced in 49 C.F.R. 395.1 e this ex- emption was first provided in 1980 as
5 - Tires. 11 - Emergency Equipment. Hours of Service (395.1E). Vehicle
May drivers who work split shifts take advantage of the 100 air-mile radius
Question 13: What documentation must a driver claiming the 100-air- mile radius
Subject to the exceptions and exemptions in § 395.1: . duty, except when a
Guidance: The "mandatory information" referred to is the time records specified
Jan 7, 2011 . in 49 CPR 395.1 (e) (1), and are limited to 15 consecutive hours on duty, . A
except when a property-carrying driver complies with the provisions of 395.1(o)
A driver operating under the 100 air-mile exception in ˛ 395.1(e) may also meet
When a driver fails to meet the provisions of the 100 air-mile radius exemption (§
This regulation is found in Section 395.1(e)(2). What Is the 16-Hour Short-Haul
Apr 2, 2011 . 100-air-mile-radius exception (§395.1(e)(1)) — This exception allows drivers who
395.1(o) or Sec. 395.1(e)(2). (b) No motor carrier shall permit or require a driver
2) 49 CFR 395.1(e)(1) as it applies to intrastate carriers is amended to establish
Guidance: The “mandatory information” referred to is the time records specified
Jun 1, 2009 . provisions of §395.1(o) or §395.1(e)(2). (b) No motor carrier shall permit or
(g) With reference to Part 395.1(e)(1), motor carriers conducting intrastate
The 100 air-mile radius exception in Part 395.1(e)(1) is an option to use time
. other law enforcement purpose provided the driver continues to comply with 49
May drivers who work split shifts take advantage of the 100 air-mile radius
May 22, 2011 . exemption from keeping written driver hours of service log books pursuant to 49
(See Title 49 CFR, Part 395.1(e)). *MUST BE "OFF DUTY" AT LEAST 8
Mar 15, 2011 . All short-haul drivers who record their hours of service (HOS) using the timecard
According to Part 395.1(e) and 395.2: A Local Driver constitutes as a driver that: 1
Jun 14, 2011 . This exemption, which is found in 49 C.F.R. § 395.1(e), was first provided in .
This exemption, which is found in 49 C.F.R. § 395.1(e), was first provided in 1980
Part 395.1, and intrastate exceptions found in OAR 740-100-0010(2).
A CDL driver operating under the 100 air-mile exception in 395.1 (e) may also
Subject to the exceptions and exemptions in §395.1: . off duty, except when a
395.1(e)(1)(iii) and (v) are met. If a driver is not released from duty within 12
395.1Scope of rules in this part. (a) General. (1) The rules in this .
class vehicles (395.1(e)(2)). • Travel from one “normal work reporting location” to
A CDL driver operating under the 100 air-mile exception in 395.1 (e) may also
If you are operating as short haul 395.1(e) why is there any requirement to log? I
to June 1, 1987; 395, general-except 395.1(e)(1), 395.1(h), 395.1(i) 395.5, 395.8,
maintain the logs.316. 307 49 C.F.R. ˛ 395.1(e). 308 49 C.F.R. ˛ 395.8(j)(2). 309
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time cards. NPGA is pleased that the current proposal retains the existing