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db2turkey.blogspot.com/2009/08/list-of-db2-sqlstates.htmlCachedSimilarAug 3, 2009 . 38501 Error occurred during call to a function, procedure, or trigger. . 39001
forums.technicpack.net/topic/38501-solder-api/page-8Cached. error when trying to create a modpack? ERROR - SQLSTATE[HY000]: General
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iprodeveloper.com/forums/aft/53320CachedSimilarFeb 10, 2009 . 2) When I run my stored procedure from the Run SQL Script screen, I'm .
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https://www1.columbia.edu/sec/acis/db2/db2m0/sql4300.htmCached. parameter is correctly set. sqlcode: -4300. sqlstate: 42724 . by user classes.
db-pub.com/. /return-sqlstate-from-user-defined-function-java.htmlCachedI am wondering if it is possible to set some SQLSTATE numbers in that .
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www.connx.com/products/connx/Connx%208. /db2_sql_.htmCachedThis table summarizes potential SQL States error and .
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lasanthals.blogspot.com/2012/09/db2-error-codes.htmlCachedSimilarDB2 SQL-Error: -007 SQLState: 42601 . SQL0060 SQLCODE -60 SQLSTATE
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atoz-tech.blogspot.com/2008/10/sqlstate-values-error-codes.htmlCachedSimilarThe tables below provide descriptions of SQLSTATE codes that can be returned
dbaspot.com/. /170043-sql4302n-procedure-user-defined-function-sqlstate- 38501-a.htmlCachedSimilarMessage: Got MYCode java.sql.SQLException: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception
www.attunity.com/. /db400-error-drv_modifyrow-db_db2_engine-2563- before-79.htmlCachedSimilarDescription An adapter that at design time worked, is now returning the error "*
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urssanj00.wordpress.com/2008/. /db2-sql-error-code-and-description/CachedSimilarMar 4, 2008 . 01643 Assignment to an SQLSTATE or SQLCODE variable in an SQL . . 38501
iprodeveloper.com/forums/aft/97001CachedSimilarApr 8, 2010 . You told us you were getting SQL State 42704. Now you say 38501, which is
www.experts-exchange.com/Database/DB2/Q_23995102.htmlDec 18, 2008 . The error is: "A database manager error occurred.SQLCODE: -4302, SQLSTATE:
computerfixerpeople.com/sqlstate-38501-error-code-443.phpCachedDiagnose Windows errors and fix Sqlstate 38501 Error Code 443 on your PC
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www.dbforums.com/db2/1619730-stored-procedure-using-java.htmlCachedSimilarUser Response: Debug the routine to eliminate the exception. sqlcode : -4302
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shreedhar.wikispaces.com/Db2errorcodesCachedAssignment to SQLCODE or SQLSTATE variable does not signal a warning or . .
https://twitter.com/ninjin_fanatic/status/187554047983751170CachedApr 4, 2012 . DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -4302, SQLSTATE: 38501, SQLERRMC: SPADMIN.
ibmmainframes.com/. /o_t__t_62524__seeing-the-full-text-of-sqlerrm.htmlCachedBut I am getting sqlcode -443 ; but the message in SQLERRM is not displayed
froebe.net/. /DB2-10.1-LUW-Message-Reference-Volume-2-IBM-Inc_.pdfSimilarThe message text associated with a given SQLSTATE value can be retrieved by
www.midrangenews.com/view?id=2039CachedSimilarApr 2, 2013 . SQL State: 38501. Vendor Code: -443. Message: [MCH3401] Cannot resolve to
files.edin.dk/php/win32/dev/php_build/include/db2/. /sqlstate.cblCachedSimilarThe first * character of SQLSTATE indicates whether the execution of the SQL *
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fixunix.com/ibm-as400/106522-table-function-problem.htmlCachedThere is no detailed indication in the job log of what the error is, and the text for
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www.codeproject.com/Articles/38501/Multi-Threading-in-ASP-NETCachedSimilar Rating: 4.9 - 34 votesJul 26, 2009 . . and make your data call asynchronously, you will get a SQL Exception. . . NET
https://www.scribd.com/doc/125158832/SQL-Error-CodeCachedFeb 12, 2013 . the first characters of the SQLSTATE are not '00'. . .. Exception (continued)
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bytes.com/topic/db2/answers/182289-java-stored-procedure-errorCachedSimilarSQLSTATE=38501. Can someone let me know what this error is or is there any
blog.csdn.net/junli0310/article/details/2627633CachedSimilarJul 9, 2008 . SQL stored procedures are always run as trusted stored procedures, and since
wenku.baidu.com/view/9186ac60011ca300a6c390b8.htmlCachedJan 3, 2013 . Listing of SQLSTATE values The tables below provide descriptions of . .. 38001
www.astradyne.net/manuals/im023510.pdfSQLSTATE Classes and Codes. . SQLSTATE is an additional return . .. READS
stackoverflow.com/questions/. /external-stored-procedure-on-ibm-iCachedSimilarSQL State: 38501. Vendor Code: -443. Message: [CEE9901] Application error.
ibmsystemsmag.blogs.com/i_can/database/CachedSimilarScott is a senior software engineer at IBM, and he's the SQL development . How
www.serkey.com/sql4302n-procedure-or-user-defined-function-sqlstate- 38501-bb5hj7.htmlCachedSimilar"MYINST.MYPROC1", specific name "SQL123602132812345" aborted with an
www.mqseries.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=35750&sid. CachedDatabase error: SQL State ''38501''; Native Error Code '-443'; Error Text ''[IBM][CLI
https://community.oracle.com/thread/880230?tstart=0CachedMar 29, 2009 . SQL> select * from v$version; . PL/SQL Release - Production . "
https://publib.boulder.ibm.com/iseries/v5r1/ic2924/. /rzalastc.htmlCachedDB2 UDB for iSeries returns SQLSTATE codes to the applications that access it
comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.hardware.ibm. /148333CachedSent: 08 April 2005 14:52 To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion Subject: