Mar 2, 12
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  • 2007 Roger Stroud. How Many Photos Can I Get on my Camera Card? (JPG) .
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  • Knowing how many pictures a memory card holds is the key to avoiding . The
  • How many pictures will my memory card hold? . 128MB 150 120 80 55 32 . I
  • The number of files a memory card holds at full capacity varies. Several factors .
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  • How many pictures can I fit on a flash card? The file size for one photo depends
  • Sign up. |. Log in. Ask the community. ajax Asking question. How many photos
  • May 12, 2007 . How many pictures will your flash card hold? Camera Type\size, 32MB, 64MB,
  • It depends on how may megapixels your camera is, which depends on the sizes
  • The card will consequently hold about half as many photos. The D80 also has a
  • The lower the resolution, the more you can pack onto the memory card. Cubby .
  • With the internal memory, how many photos can it hold? asked 11 months ago.
  • Mar 4, 2004 . Looking at a Lexar flash drive to store some photos, but don't know approximately
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  • Jul 4, 2011 . Here's a rough guideline of how many pictures a flash memory card can hold: *A
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  • Answer from Dtracer. A 128mb memory car would hold about 70 4mp photos. But
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  • Dec 25, 2009. tell me approximately how many pictures that would be able to hold. . my
  • Aug 7, 2011 . How many pictures can 128mb hold? ChaCha Answer: Depends on the size of
  • Hi, It depends on the resolution you chose for taking the photo's in the first place.
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  • Mar 4, 2004 . Bluesman wrote: > Looking at a Lexar flash drive to store some photos, but don't
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  • Dec 17, 2010 . Whether your camera's memory card will be big enough to hold all of your
  • Here's a rough guideline of how many pictures a flash memory card can hold: -A
  • How many pictures photos will your flash card hold Camera Type size 32MB
  • Aug 23, 2011 . A digital photo frame is a good item to gift. The size of the image depends upon

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