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on a 32 inch tv 1080P. is there a clear difference between 60 hz or 120 hz? . I've
Aug 5, 2011 . Question on gaming with a TV with 120Hz Vs. 240Hz? Can you tell a difference?
120Hz Vs. 240Hz HDTVthumbnail . plasma HDTVs due to the different
LCD TV Buying Guide takes a look at 120Hz vs 60Hz LCD TVs. . This is why we
The 60Hz or 120Hz is essentially how fast the display refreshes the picture. .
Jul 26, 2011 . what's the difference between 120Hz and a 240Hz LED TV and what . I am a big
Nov 13, 2009 . A 120 or 240hz refresh rate can certainly improve the look of an LCD HDTV,
Jun 25, 2010 . I'm told to get 240hz HDTV rather than 120hz if I watch a lot of sports (which I do)
Seemed to go fine with video games and the odd sports thing on TV . 120Hz vs
Jan 13, 2009 . The only time i see blur is during sports like watching football. I havent . modern
Feb 24, 2011 . #2400411 - 11/11/10 06:50 PM 60hz vs. 120hz vs. 240hz vs. caseymcq Offline
Jan 21, 2012 . Shopping for internet tvs trash or hz 120hz Vs 240hz Led Tv . ahz vs thing News
Jul 23, 2010 . [Archive] 120hz vs 240hz vs 60hz (TVs) Displays. . your films look weird. 120/
60Hz, 120Hz or 240Hz LCD's or plasma? etc. . the 120hz makes things look (
Dec 10, 2010 . When you ask 120hz vs 240hz it really comes down to how well the . .. I don't
240Hz vs 120Hz or Plasma(600Hz) I am looking for the best quality picture for
Sep 2, 2009 . 120hz vs 240hz. .any real noticable difference? Display . I'm noticing all the
Jul 19, 2011 . But is there really a difference between 120Hz and 240Hz? . especially when
May 20, 2009 . The hot, new spec in LCD TVs is 240Hz, which is supposed to reduce . far wasn'
120Hz/240Hz technology, which reduce jerkiness in film-based content shown .
120hz vs 240hz large format TVs Off-Topic. . More of a film like experience than
60hz vs 120hz vs 240hz? LED vs LCD? Does it matter? Im getting rid to start
May 23, 2010 . Is a giant refresh rate like 120Hz or 240Hz necessary because it. . For live TV
Feb 3, 2011 . Future Shop Advisor: anything less than 240hz is useless for Sports or Action
Aug 19, 2009 . You might have noticed a new spec in LCD TV ads recently: 240Hz. In an .
[Archive] Electronics 120hz vs 240hz? . of you who have (or had) both is it that
Feb 13, 2012 . Flat-panel HDTVs use either plasma or LCD screen technology. . apparent if
Apr 21, 2010 . If you are in the market for a new big screen HDTV (or maybe recently bought
Dec 28, 2011 . Refresh Rate – What the advantage of have 60Hz or 120Hz? Here's a big
Aug 12, 2011 . If you tend to play games and/or watch sports or other fast-motion . that
Mar 13, 2010 . 60Hz vs. 120Hz vs. 240Hz TVs Home Theater A/V. . Hz refresh rate, the better it
Dec 31, 2010 . I do not own a 120hz or 240hz LCD, but I have experience viewing and .
BRAVIA Sony Televisions - Which to buy - 240hz, 120hz or 60hz? . watching a
LCD Refresh Rates Explained - 240HZ vs. 120HZ vs. 60HZ. Submitted by
Jan 18, 2010 . Grand Slam Tennis 2 · Review: EA Sports' first earnest shot at tennis is . . The
1080p 120hz vs 240hz vs 600hz? everyone seems to have the 120hz with 1080p
Dec 31, 2010 . I presently have a 32 inch 60hz tv and I'm thinking about getting a larger set for
Ah, the 120Hz vs 240Hz question that is gaining in popularity as more and more
60Hz vs 120Hz vs 240Hz vs 480Hz, does it really matter? This article explains
Nov 19, 2009 . Post your comments for Does 120hz or 240hz Really Make A Difference? . But I
Dec 14, 2009 . What the heck does 120Hz or 240Hz have to do with 3D or “quality”? . Oops, this
Apr 25, 2011 . And some higher end LCD TVs offer 240Hz, 480Hz, or even 960Hz refresh . By
When you're shopping for a light-emitting diode TV, or LED TV, separating the
Jan 19, 2011 . Before you worry too much about the 120Hz or 240Hz features, you should look
Dec 11, 2011 . [Archive] 120hz vs 240hz large format TVs Off-Topic. . a film like experience than
May 15, 2010 . I watch a lot of sports (Football, Hockey, NASCAR) and I also bought a . LCDs
Nov 26, 2011 . Is the refresh rate of 120hz vs 240hz a deal breaker? ie: 42"-47" LED for under a
For example, HDTVs that are 60hz, 120hz, or 240hz? . .. If you watch sports and
Oct 25, 2011 . I have a sony 52" lcd 240hz & my dad has the same tv with 120hz. I have
Feb 17, 2010 . How do 360 games look on a 120Hz or 240Hz TV? . Same with movies, the only