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Congressional Record (101st Congress +). 1989+. Thomas (Library of Congress)
Main article: List of United States federal legislation. April 10, 1989:
101st Congress. An Act. To amend the Federal securities laws in order to provide
May 18, 2011 . Unless specified in the statute, legislation is effective upon enactment. For full text
Select from this list to obtain profile, membership, leadership, and legislative .
XML U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 101st Congress - 1st Session .
LexisNexis Congressional (Florida university system only) 112th - 101st
(a) IN GENERAL- Each of the following provisions are amended by inserting `(or,
101st Congress April 10, 1989. Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 August 9,
Abstract: Reports on legislation on child care and regulations for children's
101st Congress. An Act. Apr. 10, 1989. To amend title 5, United States Code, to
Sep 15, 2011 . Lexis:Current bills and Bills-Historical: 101st Congress- (Go to: Legal >
Public Law 101-576. 101st Congress. An Act. Nov. 15, 1990 To amend title 31,
The Fair Labor Standards Act: Changes Made by the 101st Congress and Their
Full text service which provides access to Congressional bills and bill status, .
Public Law 101-400 101st Congress. An Act. To authorize a study on methods to
The 101st Congress enacted the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1989. . The
Senate votes: 101st Congress (1989–1991) to present . http://api.nytimes.com/
The 101st Congress amended this legislation to increase the size of the CBRS
All three parts the number of the Congress (101st), the legislative Chamber and
101st Congress (1989-1991) . . Congressional Record (THOMAS):
This digital document is an article from The National Public Accountant,
Feb 28, 2011 . Includes legislative histories for laws passed between 1796 (4th Congress, 1st
as a bill for our purposes. We then sought all bills with identical or virtually iden-
Crimes; Domain Name System; E-Commerce; Encryption; FCC / Broadband; First
On August 10, 1990, the 101st Congress passed U.S. Public Law 101-355, which
Mar 16, 1989 . A bill in the U.S. Congress: To establish limitations on liability for damages
In law library (but not on wireless) or via Cleveland Public Library (remotely with
Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet -- Search full text of bills from
About: The full text of bills can be searched across multiple Congresses.
Congressional Commissions: Overview, Structure, and Legislative
{ title:'THOMAS - Search Bill Summary and Status - 101st Congress', link:'http://
H.R.3745 -- Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans
101st CONGRESS. 2d Session. S. 3094. A BILL. To authorize certain programs
Nov 1, 1990 . Responding to calls for a better-educated work force to cope with new
Coverage: The Bill Text feature covers the 101st Congress (1989) to the current
Jan 26, 2010 . Congressional Bills. Bill Text: - beginning with 101st Congress (1989-90); Bill
XML U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 101st Congress - 2nd Session .
Dec 1, 2011 . All House and Senate Bills from the 101st Congress (1989-1990) to the present
Nov 4, 2011 . THOMAS (101st Congress [1989]-present). The “Bill Summary and Status”
Bibliographic information. QR code for 101st Congress legislative record of the
Legislative History. B. 101st Congress – 1989 and 1990. Public Law 101-630 (
Jun 29, 1990 . A number of bills were introduced in the 101st session of Congress that, if
Feb 22, 1989 . A bill in the U.S. Congress: To establish national policies and support and
Public Law 101-648. 101st Congress. An Act. To establish a framework for the
Comparison of legal immigration legislation in the 101st Congress S. 358, H.R.
Sep 29, 2011 . Thomas has the text of bills and public laws going back to 93rd (1973); House
THOMAS provides the full text of laws from the 101st Congress (1989-1990) to
Oct 25, 2011 . Bills prior to 1989 (101st Congress) that were never passed can be difficult to