Other articles:
roadracerunner.com/. / HonoluluTriathlonDuathlon15KSwimTT10KRunKidsTri.htmlCachedCourse Info: 1.5K Swim; The Swim course is in the beautiful waters of the . We
www.eventpowerli.com/races/. /rrt-course-descriptionCachedSWIM-1.5K. Peconic River swim with time trial start; water temperature 69-72
www.cmecompete.com/events/the-west-point-lake-olympic-triathlon/CachedSwim: 1.5k Swim is a time trial start – swim start will depend on your estimated
swimbikerun.com/. /6-workouts-for-a-stronger-1-5k-swim-by-doug- robertson-•-for-active-com/CachedOct 25, 2012 . Beginner swimmers may struggle to find a happy time standard. You should be
www.goswim.tv/. /three-golden-rules-for-triathlon-swim-training.htmlCachedSimilarJan 28, 2005 . The distances are 1.5K Swim, 40K Bike, and 10K Run. . takes twice as long as
https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. Cachedhave fun swimming for 1.5 k. Rate . i can do 1000 meters in 15 minutes. but ur
ruthkazez.com/SwimWorkouts/ZeroTo1mile.htmlCachedSimilarYoung or old, fit or not, six weeks seems to be the most common length of time it
www.netplaces.com/triathlon-training/. /higher-aspirations.htmCachedSimilarFirst, do you have enough time to train for the event? . you will be facing in the
triathlon.competitor.com/. /hayes-and-kaye-win-life-time-tri-oceanside-dye- and-kaye-claim-series_88070CachedSimilarOct 20, 2013 . American Joe Maloy was the first out of the 1.5K swim with a time of 17:47. Dye,
www.swimfest.co.uk/CachedSimilarOnline booking in advance: 750m and 1.5k £22 entry fee, £25 (Cash payment .
swimthecostabrava.com/en/palamos-swim-race-2/CachedTechnical data 1.5K Palamós swim race . palamos-swim-race-1.5K-3. Services
www.tritalk.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=767208&sid. CachedI've gradually reduced my 1.5 k time in a 20m pool from 29 minutes to 25.45 but
www.beginnertriathlete.com/discussion/forums/thread-view.asp?tid. CachedSimilarSwimming 1.5K. . 1.5K = 1500 meters 1500/25=60 . So, after a swim I do
www.lanelinestoshorelines.com/multimedia/. /t_Let_the_Pool_Cheat_You. pdfCachedSimilarpercent more to cover the same distance as in a 25-yard pool. This is huge! Does
totalimmersion.net/forum/showthread.php?t=3414CachedMay 14, 2012 . I literally can't swim, or couldn't but have been learning the past 4 weeks . I got to
https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid. CachedI imploded on the 1.5k swim after getting elbowed and kicked at the start. I
www.active.com/swimming/articles/4-steps-to-a-smooth-1-5k-swimCachedSimilarDon't worry if your times rise; that isn't the point at the start. Times will fall again .
nationstri.com/course/xterra-swim-1-5k/CachedSimilarThe Events DC Nation's Triathlon swim is one of the most beautiful and
www.trinewbies.com/tno_swim/tno_swimdistance_chart.aspCachedSimilarSwim distance will vary. Distance may range from ½ mile to 1.5k or 800-1700
www.team-magic.com/events/10/contents/courseDetailCachedThe swim course is 1.5k point-to-point in the Tennessee River. The swim will go
www.swimsmoothforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=744CachedSimilarI swim 4 times a week, at least 3 km in one session. . Funny you should use
https://campusfit.basixwellness.com/Request/Download?c. s. CachedSimilarOlympic Distance Triathlon (1.5k swim . transition from the swim to the bike or
www.oceanlava.com/index.php?lang=en&Itemid=783Cached10:00 Start Individual Women, Men and Relay. 10:50 Swim cut off time (1.5km).
sweetsweatlife.com/2012/07/17/race-report-life-time-triathlon/CachedJul 17, 2012 . For most of the 1.5K swim, I stayed to the left and away from the majority of
www.runtri.com/2011/09/how-much-time-does-it-take-to-finish.htmlCachedSimilarSwim 1.5k in 40 minutes, Bike 40k in an hour and 20 minutes, and Run 10k in
www.beginnertriathlete.com/. /first_olympic_triathlon.htmCachedHere are the distances: 1.5K swim, 29.5mile bike (or 30mile?), 10K run. . Next
gamultisports.com/westpointlakeolympictriathlon/CachedSimilarThe West Point Lake Olympic Triathlon & Aquabike 1.5k Swim 40k Bike 10k Run
swimbikerun.ph/smf/index.php?topic=523.0CachedSimilarFor me, 2k average swimtime to be considered respectable is 40 mins :) 1.5k its
www.sprinttriathlontraining.org/olympic. /how-long-olympic-triathlonCachedSimilarSplit times for each distance were Swim 18:31, T1 00:58, Bike 1:04:54, T2 00:20,
www.active.com/swimming/. /6-workouts-for-a-stronger-1-5k-swimCachedSimilarPlease remember that open water swim times are normally slower than pool . To
www.imathlete.com/events/NashvilleDolphins15kOpenWaterSwimCachedLearn about and register for Nashville Dolphins 1.5k Open Water Swim in
www.swimathon.org/. /DG%206%20week%20training%20programme.pdfCachedSimilarWELL DONE! Congratulations for entering the world's biggest swim. . Time
www.santacruztriathlon.org/SCT/. /Est_Fitness_TRIInternational.pdfCachedSimilar(1.5K swim, a 40K bike ride, and a 10K run but the distances can very slightly .
www.caoga.com/page/great-dublin-swimCachedSwim 750 metres for the first time or swim 1.5k, any stroke, chatting to a friend or
humanrace.co.uk/events/open-water-swimming/eton-swimCachedSimilarOpen water swimming in a venue like Dorney Lake is an amazing challenge
forums.usms.org/archive/index.php/t-9322.htmlCachedSimilar(pool swim) 1.5K = 22:10 (=1:21 per 100 yds.) - (open. . (I was in professional
www.jfd.ie/page/great-dublin-swim/CachedSwim 750 metres for the first time or swim 1.5k, any stroke, chatting to a friend or
www.slowtwitch.com/mainheadings/swimcenter/case.htmlCachedSimilarAug 29, 2006 . So why fret about a little time lost or gained in the water? . The men should be
www.ramtri.com/bigfoot/race-info/course/CachedSimilarDistance Sprint: 750M Swim – 20K Bike – 5K Run Olympic: 1.5K Swim – 38K
www.nycswim.org/Event/Event.aspx?Event_ID=2305CachedSimilarJust in time for triathlon season, come experience this spectacular course and
wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_laps_is_equal_to_swimming_1.5kCachedSimilarSo, you would have to swim to the opposite side of the pool 30 times to swim 1.5k
www.bikeforums.net/. /169424-what-s-good-1-5k-swim-time.htmlCachedSimilarJan 26, 2006 . I am wondering where I am at right now in terms of doing it in a timely manner. I
www.womenshealthmag.com/. /triathlon-training-program-olympic-distanceCachedSimilarJan 17, 2008 . We're not trying to win the race this time around as we'll save that goal for .
www.steamboat-chamber.com/. /steamboat-olympic-distance-triathlonCachedThe Steamboat Olympic Distance is the 3rd stop on the Colorado Triathlon Tour
https://www.qzzr.co/quiz/are-you-ready-for-a-triathlonCachedTake this quiz to discover why triathlons are one of the fastest growing sports and
www.runnersworld.co.uk/forum/. /swimming-times/34524.htmlCachedSimilarThe running isn't a problem but I'm not the greatest swimmer/cyclist (mmm, . . it's
loneswimmer.com/. /how-much-do-i-need-to-swim-for-x-open-water- distance/CachedSimilarMay 17, 2013 . I want to swim 1.5k/3k/3k/10k, can I do it or what should I do to prepare? . If your
www.coolrunning.com.au/forums/?showtopic=27112CachedSimilarI recently did a 1.5k ocean swim in about the same time as I do the same distance
www.torontoislandlakeswim.com/CachedSimilarWe are a 750m, 1.5km, and 3.8m lake swim at Center Island Pier, Toronto. The
www.actuarialoutpost.com/actuarial_discussion. /showthread.php?t. CachedSimilarIt's 1.5k, and I just got in the water for the first time in 4 years (first time at any