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Country, Country Code, Exit Code, Trunk Code. Brazil, 55, 0014 - Brasil Telecom
Morocco .
011 + country code + area code + phone number. Callback . 786 area. If your
Download free doc files and documents about 0021 Country Code or preview the
This Area code is from Reunion or from Mayotte (two groups of islands in the
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14. aug 2008 . we had a ring too. noone has the countrycode 0021! Reported by Tad on Sunday
Jan 6, 2012 . Registrant Postal Code: 160-0021. Registrant Country: Japan Registrant Country
Results 1 - 10 of 1880000 . 0021 Country Code.
83 products . country code 0021 country code 00213,country code 00212,country code 00216,
For a listing of 2-digit area codes in Brazil, please click here. Making International
Which country has 0021 as a dialing code? Improve . Country codes beginning
Tried to check where it cam from, but there is no such country code (0021).
You will need to know the "Country Code" for the country you would like to call.
China Telephone area code and zip code (postal code) for china cities.
International Telephone Call, Country Code and IDD International Prefix, how to
Dec 11, 2011 . Discover the latest info about country code 0021 and read our other article
105 records . "Bouquet Country Code" - Country code where the bouquet is unique (e.g. North
048 to Northern Ireland (this special arrangement is much cheaper than dialing
272-0021 - zip code is located in yawata. Other information like county, state,
078470481 | B-09-LN-FL-0021. Prime Recipient. BOARD OF COMMISSIONS . .
Country. Country Code. Afghanistan. 93. 0. 0. Albania. 355. 0. 0. Algeria. 213. 00*
0021 is not the country code for England. England uses the United Kingdom
Brazil, 55, 0021. British Virgin Is. 1-284*, 011. Brunei, 673, 00. Bulgaria, 359, 00.
Got a call from 5712610021 / 571-261-0021? . Did you get a call from 571-261-
Dec 17, 2011 . Discover the latest info about 0021 country code and read our other article
This screen is applicable to the U.S only (country code 10). Other terms. IT0021,
To make international phone calls you start with 0021, followed by the country
embratel in bulgaria hmm and yes also it seems international dialling code for
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Which country code 0021. Morocco [edit]. Google Search also contributes even
141 area code - reported phone numbers in area code . . 141-165-0767. You
099962052 | S-09-MY-39-0021. Prime Recipient. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT .
So if you want to dial the United Kingdom from France and the United States, you
0021 Country Code Calling. 0221 country code calling 0021 COUNTRY CODE
http://docsheets.info/reader/_…0015.ir_0021.ir_EN.ir_PDF.html .
Brazil, 55, 0021. British Virgin Is. 1-284*, 011. Brunei, 673, 00. Bulgaria, 359, 00.
0014 Brasil Telecom; 0015 Telefonica; 0021 Embratel; 0023 Intelig; 0031
0021 Country Code Downloads. Sponsored links: hongrie 1.0021. Hongrie
To make international calls directly from the phone, you would dial 0021 +
This is followed by the country code for the country you are calling. 0014 (Brasil
Find 315 questions and answers about US Country Telephone Code at Ask.com
Got a call from 9737350021 / 973-735-0021? . scams, advance fee loan scams,
. outside your country. Find the code for the country you are calling from. .
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Country. International Dialing Code. Country Code. Country. International Dialing
What country code starts with 00960? +960 is the Maldives. Which country has
To make international calls to Brazil use the international code +55 plus the city .